Get fucking rich.

Why you should make a shitload of money ASAP

Biliz Maharjan
Word Garden


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The world doesn’t care about your problems. People are self-centered; they have their own issues to deal with. Nobody has time to come and save you.

You are responsible for your life. What happens to you is because of your decisions and actions.

Only one person can save you, and that person is you.

The best way to save yourself and live a fulfilled life (especially in today’s world) is to get rich. And by that, I mean becoming extremely wealthy.

There is no place for poverty in this world. Nobody respects poor people.

Money is the solution to 90 percent of your problems.

Get fucking rich. This is your sign to work hard; quit partying and living your life for short-term pleasures. Quit all the bad habits and get your values straight.

I might sound like an online guru trying to motivate you to do this or that.

I’m no guru. I won’t tell you what you should or shouldn’t do with your life.

I just want to speak the truth here.

Give yourself six to twelve months to hustle and sweat. Work harder than you have ever done. Disappear if you have to. Don’t post on social media. Quit telling everyone…



Biliz Maharjan
Word Garden

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Join 1000+ creators and thinkers for weekly notes: