Go on a Date Night to Keep Your Relationship Alive

Otherwise, what’s the point?

Georgia Smart
Word Garden
3 min readApr 16, 2024


Photo by SJ 📸 on Unsplash

I have been with my boyfriend Carl Jeffers, for over a year now. We got together in January 2023! And we never plan to let our relationship go boring or stale, but who ever does? It’s all about keeping the love alive as you get older, have children, and live together.

Many people when they are older have so much to focus on that they lose track of each other. With days spent running around, going to a job, and getting in already in a mood, spending no time with your partner. Is this sound familiar?

So many people face this reality when the love gets forgotten, that’s it. Just living out your life with someone who you aren’t crazy about you.

Not only is this bad for you, as you’re not as happy and excited as you used to be, but for your partner, showing them no love can’t be all that great either.

Spending time with each other is one way that you can always bring past memories alive, relive new exciting times, and just take time to reflect on how they, as a person, changed you for the better.

Dates for me aren’t always the classic; go to a fancy restaurant, drink wine, and discuss life. To be honest that’s kind of not too fun.

Of course, that’s perfect for some dates but for others why not do something you haven’t done before, or that you did back at the start of your relationship? These could include:

  • Baking together
  • Overnight trip
  • Going on a hike
  • Sports or pottery
  • Going to each other’s favorite things (could be a football match followed up with a meal)

There really are endless possibilities, even a cheap one is getting two pizzas, a bottle of your favorite drink, dessert, and putting on the first movie you watched together.


But to keep the love alive it isn’t just about you, it’s a two-way thing and both parties should be putting into it. You need to be on the same wavelength and love each other equally for the relationship to last.

Something as simple as getting out a memory book can make them realize how much you mean to them.

I have seen in my Nan and Grandads relationship, that they always made time for dates together even when they were in their 70s and 80s.

The importance of it truly is unthinkable, as growing old is a new fun stage in life that you want to experience with your loved one.


I am 20, and a lot of the girls I know always put their boyfriends second best, to their friends. This is growing quite popular as going out with friends is just better they say.

Spending more time away isn’t always the right thing.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

This is definitely true in some relationships, but not in them all, where some people get to the point where they only see their partners once a week. To be this isn’t really enough to have a deep bond and to know each other inside out.

Do you think date nights should be more popular as you grow older?

Thank you for reading :)

Photo by Bennett Tobias on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Word Garden

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)