Goodbye Medium

Carl Jeffers
Word Garden
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2024


Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

I was out with my girlfriend celebrating our 1st anniversary. She had pizza, I had a mixed grill. After eating I went to the toilet and checked my phone.

And I did what every single Medium creator does when they open their phone, I checked my stats. This was the worst decision I could’ve made.

I was having a great time up until then. I’ve never been happier in my life than right now, and this girl was one of the main reasons. My night was now ruined by seeing what had been displayed on my screen.

Authors Image

I was admittedly devastated. I was beginning to plan my life around the income I was receiving from Medium, and just like that, I was banned. I wasn’t even sure if I’d get my payout from January. I asked the missus to check Medium on her phone to see what my account was saying.

It was gone. Not a trace of me ever existing. No stories, no comments, no profile, nothing. I won’t lie, my head fully went. I had put my all into Medium and knowing my hard work meant nothing with a simple click of a button was soul-crushing. It felt like a kick to Australia.

Thankfully the meal was over and we were about to get ready to leave as I spent the next 30 minutes either…



Carl Jeffers
Word Garden

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