Here Is Why I Don’t Worry About Running Out Of Ideas Anymore, And You Shouldn’t Either

How I Unlocked My Writing Potential

Andres Vourakis
Word Garden


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

I wished I had stopped much sooner.

If someone were to ask me today why I started writing online in the first place, my answer wouldn’t be how I wanted to explore my creativity or become better at communicating ideas, although they are both true.

In all honesty, the real catalyst for taking that first step and publishing my writing on the internet was that I saw potential. Potential to be heard, potential to earn, potential to add value.

Otherwise, I would’ve just stuck to journaling.

Scarcity mindset

The way I was able to determine I could join a sea of online writers and still stand out was by looking at what others were doing and how much they’ve been able to accomplish. By comparing myself to others.

The problem is that when you start playing this comparison game it’s difficult to know when to stop.

And at some point, you start doubting your ability to keep up, especially when writing online requires consistency.



Andres Vourakis
Word Garden

Data Scientist turned Solopreneur. Follow my journey to Financial Freedom.