Here’s What Happens if You Try to Swim Upstream

Spoiler: it doesn’t go so great

Kat Claussen, L.Ac, E-RYT
Word Garden


Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

I took another day off yesterday.

I’m finding with a new baby, plans don’t always go as planned.

Sometimes there is so much to keep track of that I find myself just giving in to the current rather than trying to swim upstream.

Have you ever been caught in a rip tide?

I have. If you fight it, it’ll likely be the last thing you ever do.

The best strategy is counterintuitive: not to swim toward the beach but to swim parallel to it. That way, you get out of the current and find yourself, eventually, in calmer waters.

Life is often that way. There are so many things to accomplish that at times we feel we are fighting just to stay above water.

What if, instead of asserting our wills and forcing our ways on the world, we just, stopped?

Treaded water?


Would it be the worst if we gave in and let the universe’s will work for us?

I’ve learned that the universe always (always) has a superior plan than the one I made.



Kat Claussen, L.Ac, E-RYT
Word Garden

Yoga teacher & acupuncturist - I write about manifestation, mindfulness, entrepreneurship, and alignment with your authentic Self.