Image by Martin Haake

How Can We ‘Unstuck’ Ourselves?

A quick look at this mind issue and how to liberate! Join me for more wisdom here!

The Observing Muse
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2024


So what is it that keeps us stuck? If we look at this question in terms of a simple equation, this is what we get:

An experience + a feeling = a memory + a belief structure formed at that time by a perception/awareness choice point of ‘good memory’ or ‘bad memory = neural pathway formed = point of reference for mind to activate/ reactivate, holding old narrative in place = I’m stuck!

Our primal mind is built to survive and any perceived threat to that survival sends the mind into a heightened protective mode even if the threat isn’t a literal threat of physical survival yet the mind will react as if this is its true reality. Survival to the human persona is about our sense of safety, wanting to feel secure and therefore resisting anything that feels, or which is at all perceived as ‘vulnerable’.

Looking at this from a greater perspective, there is an awareness that as a human race we have cultivated and created much conditioning in which we must be a certain way to be deemed ‘okay’ and ‘the norm’, and that any sniff of what we have labeled as ‘vulnerability’ is subpar, yet in truth, there is no ‘norm’, there is just ALL experience, mixed in the giant pot of the universe as we spin, suspended on an unknown trajectory in a vastness of something and nothingness.

It is therefore a time to truly look at the chains and shackles that we as mere humans choose to bind ourselves, judge ourselves, and label ourselves by keeping the self and others stuck in a small-minded, distorted experience of life itself.

So! Here are a few questions to begin your liberation?!

Where do I feel stuck?

What is the root of this?

Is the root of an old narrative still playing out?

Is the root rooted in what others think?

Am I ready to see that I am more than this trapped, conditioned perception of myself?

If I liberate this part of me, what would I be doing, being, and feeling?

Note your answers down as well as noting the feelings that arise…

Liberation of what we have collectively conditioned is the true trajectory to a healthier, relational life experience and human race…so here’s to our liberation!

I work for human peace and liberation. Join me with the Community of Wisdom Free for another week!



The Observing Muse
Word Garden

Musings of Wisdom from daily observings as well as articles from my Community of Wisdom IG @nourishbynourish