How I Plan to Make 10k on Medium in the Next 80 Days

It’s impossible, I know. Who cares?

Bettina Ramm
Word Garden


Photo: tolgart via CANVA

Last Friday I shared my “Impossible Project” for 2024: I want to make 10k on Medium in 90 days.

It’s based on a yearly program from Michael Neill called “Creating the Impossible”. This is my 5th CTI. And this time I’ll rock it. 🙌

Today is day 10, so I have 80 days left.

Okay, to be honest: I don’t know HOW to achieve my goal.

But that’s the “impossible” part that’s simply needed to make a project impossible 😂

Nevertheless, I have something like a plan for how to do it.

Or better to say how to start.

Because the start is simple (even if not easy) — write as much valuable content as possible, make people clap, and win followers.

May I ask you at this point to clap for my story and follow me? 😁

But what does “as much valuable content as possible” mean? Let’s break it down.

👉 as much

I’m relatively new to Medium, but on my journey here I found many people who publish one or even two stories a day.

The most valuable advice for me I found here was to use “short-format writing”, that are stories with 300 or even fewer words.

Now, it’s not easy for me to keep it short 😅. But I tried and it went better than expected.

I don’t know yet whether I will write more short stories, or write long format stories but only 3–4 a week.

I’ll experiment with that.

👉 valuable content

Value is a form of respect for my readers.

But what makes content valuable?

Valuable content is informative, entertaining, and touching.

And in times where many texts are AI written there is another important ingredient (that I personally often underestimated): Valuable content shows a piece of MY world.

My unique (unicorn 🦄) view on something.

Additionally, I want my readers to feel happier, more lively, or more hopeful after they read my writings.

The longer I think about it, the more it seems like a good idea to write an extra story about that topic 😎

👉 as possible

Uh. That’s the tricky part.

Because I no longer believe in beating ourselves up to success.

I am NOT willing to do this to succeed.

Instead, I believe in inspiration, joy, hope, and what I call the “glitter path of life”.

That doesn’t mean Netflix and pizza 🍕 all day long.

I love both, but I don’t think it’s the source of real happiness.

We are creators, not consumers.

Our true joy lies in creating things that didn’t exist before.

So “as possible” means to me — as long as inspiration guides me. And if it goes down to focus on lifting my energy, cause that’s where inspiration comes from.

And the money part of the game?

At this point, this question doesn’t matter yet.

Or let’s say it doesn’t matter a lot.

I know that I can earn money with my stories (someday …), but I must have lots of followers, claps, and comments for that.

I know I can make some extra money through affiliate offers, but for that, I need an audience, too. And really good offers.

It makes no sense to think about that too much now. That would only put pressure on me.

I simply have to get visible first.

And for that, I have to write more consistently.

So for me, the focus lies on “building a writing routine” at the moment.

To publish stories even if my inner critic says it’s not good enough.

To apply to publication I’d like to write for even if I receive rejections.

Every impossible journey starts with the first step

And after that follows the next (which will often obviously show itself). And the next. And so on.

So I make my steps. This is one of them.

I hope you like it.

With love,

Fun Fact: This is the very first long-format story that I wrote exclusively for Medium. 😁🥳



Bettina Ramm
Word Garden

Create the life (and business) of your dreams. I write about inner guidance and how to use it to find your unique way to lazy "feelgood" success.