How Jerry Seinfeld Writes a Joke a Day

If you want success, you need to write more. And if you want to write more, you need a strategy.

Theo Rose
Word Garden


If you want success, you need to write more. And if you want to write more, you need a strategy.

Jerry Seinfeld is one of the most successful comedians ever, without question. Seinfeld was the most popular show on television during its heyday. In the year 1998, he made $267 million. That was just in ONE year.

Obviously, he has a lot of talent.

He’s had some lucky breaks, too.

And while you and I might not be blessed with the same talent and can only pray for the same luck, there’s one thing Seinfeld did that all of us can do. There’s a formula to his success that we can copy. He worked his tail off! For years and as far as I am aware he still writes one joke a day, without fail.

Want to know how he does it? Three principles you can steal today:

  1. He’s trained himself to see everything as material
  2. He’s obsessed with “the chain”
  3. He’s committed to the joy of the process

1. “Everything is material”

