How to Build More Trust and Authority as a Writer

Become like the pro writers.

Francis Ekwunife
Word Garden
5 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Tyler Franta on Unsplash

There I was.

I didn’t stand out. No one paid attention to my work.

My posts would receive little to no views, and no one cared about me.

I’m sure this is what you’re going through now.

No one notices you.

You’re just another writer among the thousands of writers on Medium.

But you can change that.

I learned five things that boosted my trust and authority as a writer, and I want to share them with you so you can improve yours.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

How to #1: Write quality posts

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Write quality posts to increase your trust and authority as a writer.

Don’t write clickbait articles. It destroys your reputation.

Make your posts worth reading and valuable to your readers.

“Quality writing comes from the heart, not just the head.” — N.K. Jemisin

I always receive several comments on my posts from people who find my work valuable.

They like my writing style.

This is how I do it:

  • I include stories throughout my posts.
  • I go straight to the point in my articles.
  • I don’t write clickbait. I make sure my post over-delivers.

How to #2: Reply to your comments

Photo by Mariia Shalabaieva on Unsplash

People don’t comment on your posts to be left unread.

They want to feel valued and respected.

So, always reply to your comments. It makes your readers trust you more.

But you should reply to the best you can.

“To respond is positive.” — Zig Ziglar

I always reply to my comments, which has built my trust as a writer.

This is how I do it:

  • I thank my readers for taking the time to comment on my post.
  • If it relates, I share my experiences when I reply to them.
  • I only reply to as many as possible and reply with kindness no matter what.

How to #3: Be friendly with other writers

Photo by Christian Buehner on Unsplash

No one wants to be around a writer who is rude and proud.

It would be best if you made friends as a writer.

Be friendly with other writers. It only builds your reputation.

“The world is full of nice people. If you can’t find one, be one.” — Nishan Panwar

I’m a well-respected writer because I’m friendly with other writers.

This is how I do it:

  • I help other writers when they need my help.
  • I engage with the posts of other writers.
  • I always chat with other writers and do it in a friendly and respectable manner.

How to #4: Write daily

Photo by Rawkkim on Unsplash

You have to write daily.

Authority as a writer comes when you have lots of articles.

Besides, the more you write, the more you learn.

As you write daily, you’ll improve your writing skills, making you a more respectable writer.

“The habit of writing every day has helped me make a living as a writer.” — Natalie Goldberg

I’ve learned so much from writing daily, and my writing skills have improved.

Because of this, I improve my authority.

This is how I do it:

  • I write daily.
  • I always read other writers’ posts, learn from them, and apply them to my articles.
  • I use a system of writing ideas and writing to help others as motivation to write daily.

How to #5: Play the long game

Photo by Jeffrey F Lin on Unsplash

Don’t expect to be a high-authority writer in your first two weeks of writing.

Most authority writers you see online got to where they are by writing consistently for 3+ years.

So don’t give up. Keep writing daily. Authority comes with time.

“The long game is the shortcut.” — Seth Godin

When I began writing, I thought I’d make it in my first month, but I was wrong.

I’ve been writing daily for close to a year. Doing this has boosted my authority as a writer by a lot.

This is how I do it:

  • I changed my mindset from thinking I could make it in a few months to thinking about making it in the next three years.
  • I read the stories of authority writers and how it took them years to gain authority as motivation to think long game.
  • I focus my writing on helping others, not just making money and becoming famous.

If you want to build more trust and authority as a writer, do these five things:

  • Write quality articles
  • Reply to your comments
  • Be friendly to other writers and help them
  • Write daily
  • And write for years before the result

These are the things I did to build trust and authority as a writer.

Practice them to do so, too.

Share your stories about improving your trust and authority as a writer to inspire others.

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Francis Ekwunife
Word Garden

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