How to Craft Blog Posts That Grab Attention and Keep Readers Hooked!

How to craft blog posts no one can resist

Francis Ekwunife
Word Garden
4 min readMar 17, 2024


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

I had finished everything I needed to do today.

Then I opened my laptop to write, but I looked at my notifications first.

All I saw on all the websites I write on were positive comments on my writing.

People complimented me on how good I write.

A person left a comment:

“Your content is very good”

I know it’s hard when you are new to writing.

It seems as if no one likes your work.

You constantly refresh your stats page, but all you see is 11 views.

I’ve been in your shoes. But I found a way to break free.

Now, I get thousands of views and reads on my blog posts.

I want to share the three simple things I do to make my blog post irresistible so you can.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

How #1: Go straight to the point

Photo by José Ignacio Pompé on Unsplash

Deliver as you’ve promised.

When your readers have clicked your blog post, please don’t make them scroll down before they read the content.

Please write a short introduction and give them what they came for.

Use straightforward words and make your posts short.

“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” — Albert Einstein

Whenever I write, I make it clear and short.

I don’t use complex words. I don’t make my posts too long. And I make it easy to understand.

One of my readers on X said he likes my posts because it’s concise and straight to the point.

This is how I do it:

  • I use subheadings like in this post.
  • I make my posts 3–5 minute reads. I keep each post at 700–900 words.
  • I don’t use complex words. I use simple ones.

How #2: Make it valuable

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

If you want your post to be irresistible, make it valuable.

Your posts should provide your readers with information. It should be relevant to them.

Add in your personal stories.

And make your writing engaging.

“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.” — Leo Burnett

My posts are valuable to my readers.

That’s why they leave positive and thoughtful comments.

One of my readers commented on one of my posts and said it was relevant.

This is how I do it:

  • I include lots of ‘you’ in my posts. I make it about the reader.
  • I share my stories and what has helped me in my posts.
  • I make it simple to understand and share the information my readers want.

How #3: Craft good headlines

Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

No one will click on your post if your headline isn’t good enough.

But if your headline is good, no one will resist your posts.

Don’t create clickbait headlines. It destroys your reputation.

And don’t expect people to like your writing now. It takes time to get good writing and headline writing skills.

“A good headline is like an ambassador that speaks on behalf of your content, telling readers why they should invest their time in reading what you’ve written.” — Neil Patel

A big reason why my articles always get read is because of my headlines.

This is how I craft good headlines:

  • I write about my transformation and turn it into a How-to or list headline.
  • I make my headline clear. I do this by adding numbers and defining the audience, like in this post for writers.
  • I make sure my headline hits the pain point of my intended audience. Mine is about writers who want to write irresistible posts.
  • I don’t write clickbait headlines, and I consistently write.

If you want to create irresistible blog posts, practice these three things:

  • Your post should go straight to the point. It shouldn’t be long. 700–900 words and 3–5 minute reads are good.
  • Make your post valuable. Give your readers the information and share your stories.
  • Craft good headlines.

These are the three things I do that make my blog posts irresistible.

Practice them to create blog posts no one can resist.

Share your stories on crafting irresistible articles to inspire other writers.

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Francis Ekwunife
Word Garden

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