How to Make Your Writing Better by Using Parallelism in Your Articles

Stop boring your audience

Word Garden
2 min readFeb 28, 2024


Bored reader. Author created using Bing AI.

What will you do to improve your writing skills in the coming weeks?

That’s a question you should ask yourself so you don’t become complacent. It’s easy to sit back, write, and post daily to meet some arbitrary goal yet produce the same average content.

Having a consistent goal is not the issue but rather the quality of the article.

It would help if you were striving to better your skills over time, as nobody is great at anything from the start. It takes time, dedication, and a willingness to learn.

Most people try their best; others know where to find that next level. People don’t often discuss parallelism but overlook it as one aspect of writing.

Incorporating Parallelism in Your Writing

Parallelism is all about how a sentence sounds when you read it.

Some people call this flow or rhythm. For example, if you wrote, “I like swimming, hiking and running,” the sentence has some parallelism as the words all end with “ing.”

Now imagine if you wrote instead, “I like hikes, swimming and runs.” It doesn’t have parallelism and is awkward to read.

For improved writing, follow three conjunctions.

Coordinating Conjunctions: These include words like “and,” “but,” “or,” “nor,” “for,” “so,” and “yet.” Think of these as connectors inside a sentence. “I love to write articles and publish daily.”

Subordinating Conjunctions: These bridge the gap between complete and incomplete sentences. “I love to write, so I bought a new laptop.” The first part is a complete sentence, yet the second part is not. You combine them to improve flow.

Correlative Conjunctions: Think of these as two best friends. “You either publish daily, or you won’t make money,” they blend two ideas.

Why Does It Matter?

It’s not the most exciting subject matter, but they are vital to improving your skillset.

Parallelism helps your writing sound more polished and professional. It makes it easier for the reader to understand your writing and follow along. I’m sure you have read articles where a sentence comes out of nowhere and confuses you.

Humans love things that are parallels. You will often find these errors when you reread your post during editing.

Writing should be elegant and poetic, like a bird gliding through the air.

