How To Stay Sane, While Doing The Same Thing Every Day

Or how I do, anyway

Georgia Smart
Word Garden
3 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

We all live a pretty much similar life, we leave school and eventually have to find a job. But when you’re trapped in the cycle how can you ever be sane?

The average person wakes up 6ish, rushes around late, grabbing that’s burned toast and tea while doing that horrific drive to work.

Once arrived you usually have a crap day, the managers on your case again, eat that stale sandwich then make your way home.

Just in time to have a ready meal, a little socialising, iron your uniform and sleep early for tomorrow (oh don’t forget that quick drink)

Sound familiar? I have seen so many people around me unable to cope with this demand, turning to drinking or drugs, they just can not cope with the high level of dedication forced on them.

The best advice I can give is to quit your job and live abroad but we can’t all do that, so here is some reasonable advice we can all include to help us not become a zombie!

Make time for the things you love

Life can be consumed by many thing, but its not usually by the things we want. I love gaming (as you probably know) and I would love nothing more than to game all day, but work and other demands get in the way.

I feel so tired some night I don’t even want to play, this is not living though.

Life is short, you need to be able to take time to do the things you enjoy doing to keep your mental health up and your mindset at a positive rate.

You can always get a different job, but you can’t improve your mental health that easily.

So many people overwork themselves into an early grave, or just get fed up with the same life, resulting in them sinking into depression.

Don’t let this be you!!

Live with hope

Hope for better things, hope your day will change, and have things to look forward to.

Book that holiday that’s expensive you deserve it for all what you go through.

You always need something to be looking forward to so you don’t feel like there’s no point in going on.

I like to remain hopeful that one day I won’t have to work, I’ll have enough earnings from online writing that I will escape from the socially accepted 9–5.

Change things you don’t like

I went to university, I can say that, but I didn’t Really. I did go, well into the building then did an immediate walk away.

I spent 2 hours in university on my induction day, I hated it and in 2 hours I fully knew that.

I didn’t want to keep with what everyone else was doing as I wanted to be happy most of all.

I’d rather be more tight on money than stuck in something I don’t Like.

The same goes with you, there is changes out there if you go looking hard enough, to change life a little or give you brighter day.

There is nothing worth ruining your mental health over so the change starts with you.

Do you feel like you’re living the same day over and over again?

Thank you for reading :)

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Word Garden

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)