How To Turn Your Daily Writing Process Into Content

Anand P
Word Garden
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2024

Small things, over time, can get big

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“Stock and Flow” is an economic concept that can be adapted into a metaphor for content. Stock refers to any quantity that is measured at a particular point in time, while flow is referred to as the quantity that can be measured over a period of time.

Flow is what we can call the feed. These are the articles and posts that are brief and discuss your process or insights. A series of daily and sub-daily updates that are sent out to let people know you exist.

Stock is the material that lasts for a long time. It is the content that you produce that will still be interesting in two months (or two years). It’s what people will discover when they search for a certain topic or area. It will spreads slowly but surely, building readers over time.

The magic formula is to maintain your flow while working on your stock in the background.

Author’s Image

Daily Dispatch

I use the above flow to decide if I should be publishing something. Be open; share imperfect and unfinished work that you want feedback on, but don't share absolutely everything. There’s a big difference between sharing and oversharing.

Once you make sharing a part of your daily routine, you’ll notice themes and trends emerging in what you share. You’ll find patterns in your flow.

Turn flow into stock

Once you detect these patterns, gather them and turn them into something bigger. Your stock will be made by collecting, organizing and expanding your flow. Use Medium as a place to think out loud and let other people think back at you, then think some more.

If you work on something a little bit every day, you end up with something massive while sharing content every day.

As I find my own voice, my writing will touch on a variety of topics. I hope it gives you something to think about or, better yet, helps you act. Do share your thoughts in the comments section so we can keep the dialogue flowing.

Please follow me for more tips on self-improvement, psychology, content creation, side-hustles, and writing

Thank you for reading!



Anand P
Word Garden

Writer, Banker, Dog Parent, Diplomatic Spouse. I am finding my own voice and sharing learnings in self-improvement, psychology, content creation, and writing