I Bought my First Writing Course, Here’s Why

I bit the bullet and made the purchase

Donovan Michel
Word Garden
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Long form writing.

This is something I aspire to do.

Long form writing is anything over 1,000 words.

I don’t think I have written a single article over 1,000 words on Medium.

There was 1 article that came close, but it fell just short of the mark.

I struggle to write long form content because I am an impatient person.

I am getting better; I really am.

However, I struggle to work on one article in multiple sittings.

That’s why 1,000 words is hard for me.

I can do 1,000 words in one sitting, but sometimes multiple sittings are necessary for articles.

It depends on many factors including:

  • mood
  • time of day
  • my focus levels

As I continue to become more patient, I will get better at focusing on long form writing.

For now, I’ve made it a clear focus to write every day.

Yes, I’ve missed some days. It happens.

But I always get right back on track.

In addition to getting back on track, I have purchased a writing course.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

This course is in investment.

And no, I’m not just telling myself that.

It truly is an investment for my writing career.

The course is a live writing workshop for 90 minutes.

In addition, I also get access to multiple courses that will be useful to me including:

  • writing on X
  • monetizing my brand
  • writing long form content

The $97 investment includes all of these things.

And no, I’m not trying to sell this course to you.

I’m simply explaining how the course works.

I think there is so much value that I can extract from this opportunity.

I have been following the creator of this course for over a month now. He is trusted within my niche and has many 5 star testimonials.

I feel confident that he knows more than me in my niche and has valuable information to share.

I want to learn as much as possible from this course.

I believe I will extract value in ways that will save me lots of time in the long run.

Money is valuable.

But time is also valuable.

I believe this course will save me time.

What matters is sitting down, taking the course seriously, and applying what I learn as soon as possible.

Knowledge is not useful until it’s applied.

I was thinking about making this article my first 1,000 word article.

However, I have said what I wanted to say.

Therefore, that is all for now.

Have a blessed day.

Thank You for reading! :)

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