I used to say “I don’t ask for much” and then realized that was the problem.

Word Garden
Published in
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


Photo by Thomas Grams on Unsplash

Why Asking for More Is Actually a Good Thing?

Let’s talk about a little phrase we’ve all probably uttered at some point: “I don’t ask for much.”

Sounds innocent enough, right?

I am about to flip the script and uncover why asking for more might just be the key to unlocking a world of possibilities.

The Problem with Playing Small:

Picture this: You’re at a restaurant, scanning the menu, and when the server comes around, you mumble,

“Oh, I don’t ask for much.

Just the usual.”

Sound familiar?

Well, here’s the thing – when we downplay our desires and settle for the bare minimum, we’re selling ourselves short.

Playing small might feel safe, but it’s a surefire way to stunt our growth and limit our potential.

Recognizing Your Worth:

Repeat after me: I’m worthy of abundance, success, and happiness.

Got it?


Now, internalize that mantra and let it sink in.

