Ignorance is Not Bliss

Fight it with all you’ve got!

Deborah Aduola
Word Garden
2 min readJul 16, 2024


Photo by Yilmaz Akin on Unsplash

I remember wanting to not know.


Knowing brought responsibilities.

The more I knew, the more responsible I had to be for the knowledge I knew.

Afterall, too whom much is given, much is expected.

So, I took the other route of passivity.

Don’t get me wrong — I am a knowledge seeker.

But I wasn’t particularly interested in any other thing that wasn’t “necessary” to know.

Ignorance was bliss…right?

Well wrong.

Ignorance in any form never helps. What you do not know limits you, exploits you or can even kill you.

Imagine not knowing a drink is poisonous.

Of course, it saves you from the anxiety that comes with the knowledge of being poisoned.

But it does not save you from the consequence of drinking poison.

Ignorance only conceals you from knowing. It doesn’t prevent you from the repercussion of not knowing.

Many people wonder why they are on the level they are in life.

To them, other people hit a struck of “luck”.

There’s nothing like luck. There are only principles that unlocks the doors of life.

These principles hide in information.

The information may come natural to some and take a bit more effort for others.

But it’s the same idea.

You don’t need to know everything.

If you find yourself stuck, the first question should be:

What do I not know?

Then, follow up with a “what do I know?”

You don’t need to know everything.

A simple awareness is enough.

Be aware of the politics around you, the history, ethics, principles, areas of life. In short — seek knowledge, no matter how little.

It empowers and prepares you.

Ignorance, on the other hand, keeps you at the receiving end of happenings.

Which side would you rather be?

Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Thanks for reading 👏🏽

Hi, my name’s Deborah. If you enjoyed this story, check out my profile for more stories. And don’t forget to clap 👏🏼 a hundred times (haha, kidding), and share with a friend — sharing is caring 🕊.

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