I’ll Keep Writing, Even if Medium Holds Back My Paycheck

Marisa Rahmashifa
Word Garden
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2024

On the need to write without financial rewards

Image by AI Gencraft

Each time my writing session ends, there’s a sense of joy and relief. Despite fear and doubt gripping me at the beginning. I can brighten the dimly lit room of my mind by re-reading and expanding my words into the craft that surprises me. At such moment, I realize my existence is lined with words and I’m fated as a writer.

Before sleep my brain constantly comes up with the aroma of fulfillment and yearning to write for the following morning. I’ll always keep writing, whatever it gets difficult.

This core drives me to write in another language as my journey here. To boost my account and elevate my energy I come up with the idea of being the Medium Partner Program. Unfortunately, the process isn’t as easy as I expected. Because Indonesia isn’t eligible for MPP. Afterward, I’ve been looking for numerous strategies to deal with. However, it still does not work out.

“Will I stop writing even if Medium doesn’t give me a paycheck?” I asked myself.

“I will not, never,” I replied confidently.

Despite this hurdle, I share here my compelling reasons to persist in writing on the platform.

  1. Building Another Homeland

Foreign language is like a delicate muscle; it gets weaker if we don’t use it. That’s the point that drives me to land on this platform. My English should be practiced in the real world. My limbs should experience more to write and think, spending most of the time in English, just to make myself comfortable living in another place.

Home isn’t built overnight but little by little, brick by brick. Those bricks will become walls and a place where I can take off my stuff and chill out inside.

As a newbie, I don’t want my work to remain in silence, and the best way is to hit publish here and communicate with people who are willing to read mine.

2. Engage with the Large English Community

Diving into the vast English community has been an illuminating part of my journey. By engaging with people here, I’ve not only found a room to practice and polish my English but also connect to individuals overseas.

Engagement is a doorway to gaining feedback and encouragement. It has led me to enrich my understanding of different cultures, ideas, and perspectives, pushing me to explore various writing styles and themes to create my own voice.

In addition to intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation plays a role in the success journey as well. That’s why my writing journey will never end solely due to the absence of financial rewards.

3. Writing Serves as Emotional Therapy

Throughout my entire life, there have been no activities that could bring fulfillment except writing. I can understand my memories, unresolved emotions, and what comes in between. Fear always grips me each time I put my vulnerability and weaknesses into words. However, I feel a sense of openness beyond just sharing through English.

“What passes without being put into words, without being transformed and, in a certain sense, purified by the cruciable of writing. Only words that endure seem real. They have a power, a value superior to us.” Jhumpa Lahiri

Benefits Beyond Monetary Gains

There are numerous advantages to contributing on Medium:

1. Building a portfolio of my work to gain various opportunities such as freelance gigs and book deals.

2. Honing my English writing skills and reaching deeper connections with readers.

Regardless of the absence of financial rewards, my presence on Medium is driven by a genuine desire to achieve personal and professional growth and hoping a lasting impact through my writing.

I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to Fabio Cerpelloni for sharing his journey as an English writer. His article is like fuel, inspiring a relentless spirit in me as a lifelong English learner.

