
Word Garden
Published in
Feb 25, 2024

How do you reach the infinity?
“Make the prideful denominator zero,
and then you can find it,” I learned in school.
But what does it mean? The Infinity.
What is that pristine dream?

One step, then the next, and the next…
But there is an infinity that exists between the two trivial steps.
1, 1.01, 1.001, 1.0001, 1.00001, 1.000001,…
Do you get it? It gets smaller and smaller.

Authors Image

The ocean that lies between eyes looking at each other.
Now I know what the poet meant when he said,
“to hold infinity in the palm of your hand and to see a world in a grain of sand,”
May the light of the world protect all the poets of the world.



Word Garden

Wings were made of wax, and Icarus was in love with the sun. Did you enjoy the fall?