It Is All In Your Head

Most Of Your Problems Will Disappear If You Know This

Kabilan Thavabalalingam
Cogito Corner


Photo by Uday Mittal on Unsplash

Why is it that we humans have a tendency to overthink?

What ifs? are a common type of question we like to ask ourselves.

Last week, I sold some trading cards online and made the amateur mistake of not getting a signed for delivery when posting my cards at the post office.

I told my friend this and he was convinced that I was going to get scammed by my buyer by saying “What if they claim that they never received the cards?”

I was not concerned as I told him that I’ll think about it once it actually happens.

Stressing over matters that haven’t even occurred yet is mostly pointless.

“If it happens, it happens”

This is what I tell myself whenever someone tries to stress me over the unknown.

Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash

The Pessimist’s Mind

The reason why we tend to worry and stress over problems that likely will never even occur is due to having a pessimistic mentality.



Kabilan Thavabalalingam
Cogito Corner

Contrarian Thinker. Free spirit. Living a red-pilled life.