I’ve Stopped Writing

Candy Prisms
Word Garden
Published in
2 min read1 day ago
Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

When I first started blogging, I made sure to post a new article every single day. Now, I sometimes post daily, and other times there are a few days in between.

I had major surgery June 18th, that has me non-weightbearing until August 1st. After surgery, I was diagnosed a few days later with a kidney infection. Then a few days after that, pneumonia. You’d think I’d have spent extra time writing, but you’d be wrong. Instead, I really focused on issues I wanted to write about. My posts may be more sporadic, but they are better written, as I care more about them.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

I’m currently working on a piece that I find fascinating and informative. I cannot wait to debut it. If I was still writing like I started out, I really wouldn’t have time to give this current work in progress the time or love it deserves.

I’ve learned this last month, we put our own restraints on. No one is forcing us to post daily, or even multiple times a day. Sure, I write daily, but sometimes I keep them to myself. I don’t HAVE to share everything I write to feel like I’m doing something. In fact, holding back has been good for me!

Do whatever works best for where you are in your writing journey. If daily posts work for you, wonderful! If taking your time and posting every few days is more your speed, fantastic! I’m going to keep doing a mix of daily posts vs. whenever I get around to it. It’s working best for my life right now, and I am totally okay with it.



Candy Prisms
Word Garden

Mom | Writer | Invisible Illness | Small Business owner | Books and book reviews | ADHD rambles