Learning To Redefine Rest And Productivity
I could have named this “Redefining Rest And Productivity.” Or even “Reframing Rest And Productivity.” But I wanted to place emphasis on learning.
Learning, because I don’t always get it right. Learning, because from season to season the balance is different and I must adjust accordingly. But that does not always happen.
A Story
Busy successful people prioritize rest in their days.
I remember these two professors in the college town I used to live in. Every mid-morning on weekdays of a certain semester, I saw them walking. They would take a walk to the park and have a conversation.
My guess is this routine changed as the teaching schedule changed from semester to semester.
But professors aren’t less busy than anyone else. They have classes to teach. Office hours to hold. Graduate students to supervise. Meetings to attend. Work to grade. And their research to do and manage. Plus familial/personal responsibilities.
Yet they prioritized getting that daily exercise and rest each day.
Taking meaningful breaks does not stop your success. It fuels it instead.