Life Is Too Short — Are We Forgetting To Live A Little?

Word Garden
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Your journey towards the end of life starts the day you were born.

Sorry if that feels a little bit of a negative way to start an article. It will get even more negative and then I will turn it into a positive (I promise).

Where I live in the UK, the average life expectance is age 80.70.

That is around 29,475 days on the planet.

Also, I must point out that this is an expected age, which of course in life reaching a certain age or beyond it is never a guarantee.

Photo by Tiago Muraro on Unsplash

So, I am turning 25 in September, so I have spent 9131 days on the planet, almost reaching the 10,000 day mark.

It’s not a lot of time, and reaching the 80 mark would mean that I have 19,000 more days until I am at an old age.

So instead of panicking about this figure, realize that death is inevitable for all of us.

We are all not immortal.



Word Garden

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