Listening to the Music of Ashes: Will the Human Spirit Keep its Sanity & Rise Again?

Standing at the Crossroads: Is Humanity Facing Its Greatest Existential Crisis? And are there ways to Smoothly pass through to Strive for the Longest of Time?

Praveen Kumar
Word Garden
6 min readFeb 5, 2024


Could the human spirit, its music somehow now lowered by the chaotic noise of adversity, rise again from the visible future turning into a cold past? Let us try to explore a tale where every beat echoes the fundamentals for survival, every note whispers of Goin-on forever, and the final stroke answers the haunting question: will the music of the human spirit be silenced slowly in the future, or will it rise, keeping its root alive, from the inorganic orchestration of symphony of ashes?

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Throughout history, humanity has witnessed countless storms — natural disasters, wars, famines, and epidemics. Each challenge has pushed us to the brink of survival, forcing us to adapt to something new, innovate the unseen, and find the strength to persevere what was left. But is it possible now? As we stand at the wholesome culmination of several high-magnitude threats, a truly unprecedented existential crisis, one unlike any anyone has faced before?

A Multifaceted Summation of Long-term Threats:

Unlike singular threats at a time of the past, our current situation of the World seems intricately woven with multiple strands, each with the potential to complicate the fabric of our existence to a very large extent.

  • Cosmic Uncertainties: From comets hurtling towards Earth to asteroid impacts of unimaginable force, the threat from astronomical events, though infrequent, hangs heavy in our collective consciousness. The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor, although relatively small, serves as a stark reminder of our vulnerability to celestial forces. With regular predictions by NASA about asteroids of sizes as small as a chartered plane to as big as a 44-floor building, passing by Earth at a close distance range of just a few thousand to few lakh Kilometers, though extremely low in threat potential scale still causes lots of unrest into the minds of scientists all over the world.
Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash
  • Population Explosion: Our planet’s population is projected to reach 10 billion by 2050, putting immense strain on resources like food, water, and energy. Can we sustainably support such a surge, or will it lead to widespread conflict and societal collapse? Indirectly this is also the main reason for Climate change or deterioration as the growing population needs the consumption of limited resources giving rise to the ever-rising average temperature worldwide. This will eventually lead to reaching the Global temperature at a breaking point around which no cultivation and normal everyday living will be possible for most of the population. The Malthusian Trap, formulated in the 18th century, warned of population outpacing food production, leading to famine and instability. While advancements in agriculture have largely averted large-scale famines, regions like sub-Saharan Africa still grapple with food insecurity due to population pressures and resource limitations.
Photo by Manson Yim on Unsplash
  • Infectious but Invisible Enemy: The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fragility of our interconnected world. While seemingly contained, it highlighted our vulnerability to novel pathogens and the potential for future outbreaks with even graver consequences. Another past example is known as the Spanish Flu, this pandemic infected an estimated one-third of the global population at the time, killing an estimated 20–50 million people. It disproportionately affected young adults and had a significant impact on healthcare systems and economies worldwide.
Photo by Yoav Aziz on Unsplash
  • Ideological Divisions: Across the globe, a worrying trend is gaining momentum: the rise of religious extremism and political polarization. These twin forces, fueled by fear, misinformation, and a sense of disenfranchisement, are tearing at the fabric of societies, threatening tolerance, unity, and even peace. The rise of religious extremism and political polarization threatens to tear apart the very fabric of societies. Fear, suspicion, and hatred, if left unchecked, could lead to violence and unimaginable human suffering.
Photo by Jigar Panchal on Unsplash
  • The Rise of the Machines: Artificial intelligence is advancing at an exponential rate, raising concerns about potential superintelligence surpassing human control. Will machines become harmonic partners or existential threats? AI algorithms trained on biased data can perpetuate or amplify existing societal inequalities, leading to discrimination and unfair outcomes. Increased use of AI for surveillance could erode individual privacy and autonomy, creating a society under constant monitoring. Some experts worry that highly advanced AI could become uncontrollable, surpassing human intelligence and posing an existential threat to humanity. As AI systems become more complex, understanding their decision-making processes becomes difficult, raising concerns about who controls them and how they are used. Autonomous weapons powered by AI could revolutionize warfare, potentially increasing its lethality and reducing human oversight, leading to unpredictable and catastrophic consequences.
Human-alike AI Machines with multifold Super calculative powers

Can there be a way to Smooth survival and the rising growth of Humanity along with all these Threats?

Resilience and Innovation: While the challenges are huge, it is essential to remember humanity’s inherent characteristic; resilience. We have confronted seemingly undefeatable odds before, emerging stronger and more united.

  • Global Collaboration: Addressing these multiorgan threats requires global cooperation on an unprecedented scale. International agreements, scientific collaboration, and resource sharing are crucial to mitigate the impact of cosmic threats, population pressures, and pandemics.
  • Sustainable Solutions: Addressing climate change, developing renewable energy sources, and embracing sustainable practices are vital to creating a future where resources are equitably distributed and populations can thrive.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Countering ideological divisions requires fostering empathy, understanding, and open dialogue. Education, interfaith initiatives, and promoting critical thinking are essential to bridge divides and build peaceful societies.
  • Responsible AI Development: As AI evolves, we must ensure its development aligns with human values and ethical principles. Instead of looking at its purely business benefits and associating it with efficient and profitable business operations it needs to be driven by Robust regulations, public discourse, and international cooperation, which are key to getting only the humanity-beneficial benefits of AI while mitigating potential risks.
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

In the recent past it Was and Now for Sure it’s A Time for Action:

The future may seem uncertain, but within our hands lies the power to write a different story. By joining hands, embracing innovation, and prioritizing our shared humanity, we can sail through these challenges and not just survive but thrive. Remember, the Earth is our only home, and its prosperity is intertwined with our own. Let us act with urgency and wisdom, ensuring a vibrant future where humanity and Earth flourish together. The time to act is now. Standing at this crossroads, ignorance is not an option. Each individual has a role to play in shaping our future. By actively engaging in solutions, sharing understanding, and advocating for responsible progress, we can pass through these unprecedented challenges and create a future where humanity not only survives but thrives.

The choice is ours. Will we succumb to the forces threatening our existence for just polarized monetary benefits of a limited few, or will we rise to the challenge, demonstrating the resilience and ingenuity that have defined our species throughout history? The answer lies within the diverse yet collective consciousness within each of us.



Praveen Kumar
Word Garden

An Engineer with artistic thoughts striving to enhance knowledge of past, awareness of present & Idea of future on place, event & people which matter most.