My Autism Helps My Writing

In many ways

Georgia Smart
Word Garden
3 min readMay 15, 2024


Photo by Peter Burdon on Unsplash

Let me tell you a little back story, I have always been different, but in a bad way.

I struggled to keep focus, got distracted and couldn’t ever complete a task. Rule following wasn’t for me and I became fixated on certain things, then the next day wouldn’t give a care about them.

I went through school as the naughty kid, who was a bit different but massively misunderstood.

I eventually began my journey into adulthood still without a diagnosis. Until due to my eating disorder the idea of autism got introduced.

Forms and so much paperwork, meetings, and assessments later I finally had my diagnosis, I was scared.

I’m still at the stage where they are going to assess me to see how far into the spectrum I am. But I’m the meantime it’s about understanding more about myself.

Autism isn’t something to be ashamed of! Not many people even know I have it, but having it makes me just a little bit unique.

There are many benefits to having it, some I wouldn’t even notice, but while writing I do tend to see some of my traits being shown.

Super focused

When I start to write, I can’t stop myself, I get into a little pattern of writing in my room, and BANG I'm gone.

I have fully gone into writing form and become obsessed with finishing my article, I spend time rereading it and perfecting it to the best of my ability, even asking others to read it.

Perfect, or is it? I Grammarly check it and then once published I can easily switch back out of writing mode, but if I still want to write more I can.

Due to my autism making me focus, I feel I produce better work, I worked on being distracted and when I’m in my zone (my bed with a tea) I have it under control.

A lot of knowledge

I usually write about topics that have meaning to me, that could be food to gaming, and when I say I’m the best at talking about these topics, my autism makes me.

The amount of time I have spent online researching foods and healthy meals is a lot, I got “hyper fixated” on it and once that happens I need to know everything about it.

That makes me able to know most information about a topic and give honest answers.


Now not everything can go smoothly, I get obsessed with things, like I did when I joined Medium. Writing 3 articles + a day I could do it with ease.

But my bubble soon burst when my stats were low, I went off medium!

When I go off something I can’t even stand to look at the app on my phone, I don’t know why I get like that but I have to totally erase the things from my life as it just feels like too much effort and something I strongly dislike.

It was hard returning from the break, I almost quit fully, but with strength, I can keep going!

It was a challenge but I’m still here!

My autism helps me in many ways, but especially in writing!

Do you know anyone with autism?

Thank you for reading :)

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Word Garden

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)