My Goals For March: The Road to Making $30 dollars

How I plan to get $30 dollars this month

Cecilia Carcamo
Word Garden
2 min readFeb 29, 2024


Photo by Tom Briskey on Unsplash

With February almost over I need to start thinking on how I am going to continue to grow not only academically but also on Medium.

For me it is easier to focus when I have a goal in mind, and that goal is to manage to make $30 dollars or more in march.

For me gaining this amount will prove that if I set my mind I can do anything.

Why $30?

As much as I want to say I am going to make $100 dollars next month, I want to start small and then build my way onto bigger goals. I feel that 30 dollars is a more manageable goal and it is not a bad start.

I wouldn’t complain if I did manage to gain more than $100 though.

How Will I Manage That?

As I mentioned before in my article What Have I Achieved on My First 2 Weeks on Medium, I was not very consistent at the start — while I have gotten better at it I still need to work on it a little more.

So I will write with more consistency. After all, if you are not consistent then it is harder to grow an audience.

Engaging More

Engagement is a very important part of Medium, if you don’t engage with others then not many people will see your writing and a sea of different articles will swallow your story no matter how good it is.

While I think I have done a decent job with the engagement, I think they’re definitely room for improvement. So I will engage way more than before. I don’t think it will be hard because you can find a ton of amazing stories here.

Finding My Niche

While a niche is not something you really need to find to write great stories, it greatly helps you find an audience. I am still searching for mine and when I finally find it I will stick to it like glue.

Even if I don’t find one in the end, I still feel confident in some day finally reaching that sweet sweet $1000 dollar mark no matter how long it takes.

If you are also a new writer like me you can use these tips to help you grow an audience. Remember that the road to success is covered in hardship but if you manage to endure and not give up you can achieve great things

Thank you for reading so far and I hope you liked my writing.

See you later alligator



Cecilia Carcamo
Word Garden

Just a colledge student who want to practice her writing. Expect to read about various stories and some tips for random things. Hope you like my articles