My House Is A Mess These Days

Gratiela Grigorini
Word Garden
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2024


But My Heart Is A Tranquil Retreat Full Of Pure and Priceless Happiness

Photo credit to the author

Due to my “old friend” anxiety, and to my perfectionist nature, I always feel the need to have everything extremely well-organized. I feel like I have better control when everything is in its place, and when I know exactly where things are and what to do next. And all this eats time. My time. The time I could spend doing something else with my kids and family. Something more meaningful than tidying my house.

In those moments when things don’t go as planned I fall into the arms of despair and I am not satisfied with how I end up dealing with challenges. Anxiety and stress return, making it hard to keep calm and stay on track.

Yet, life found a way of surprising me.

If someone had told me in the past that I could be happy with a sink full of dishes, laundry piled up in a messy closet, toys scattered in the hallway, and winter shoes still dirty and unplaced in late spring, I would have laughed hysterically, thinking it impossible.

Several days off were coming up. My mother was busy taking care of my sick father and informed me that she wouldn’t be visiting us for an unforeseeable amount of time. Consequently, no help was coming over either. I was on my own.

