Neither Positive nor Negative: People Remember Shocking Things

Using Shockvertising to Make Your Brand Memorable

Malav Patel
Word Garden
6 min readMay 31, 2024


Photo From Unsplash. Edited by the author.

Shocking advertisements, also known as “shockvertising,” are businesses’ way of being noticed compared with white and ordinary advertisements; it is like having that one person who will always do something crazy just so everyone looks at him/her.

The underlying idea is to hit you with such an unexpected and intense action that forces you to pay attention; therefore, when you think about this approach it is practically impossible not to think about your brand.

Reflect on those advertisements eliciting an immediate genuine surprise “Wow, did they really show that?” It could be addressing sensitive issues related to gender, religion among other controversial aspects of life. Essentially, by coming out with such messages it seems as though they are telling us loudly that this is an avenue in which they are not hesitant to stimulate conversations!

For instance, the PETA (sensitive content, viewer discretion is advised) ad(s) with a super graphic image of an animal being mistreated. It was shocking, but it definitely got people talking about animal rights. Shockvertising is all about making a big impact and sparking conversations, even if it means pushing some boundaries along the way.

Types of Shockvertising

Sensational advertising, unlike the traditional one, has become popular and attracted a lot of public interest due to its ability to catch the eye of the viewer immediately.

Nevertheless, not all shocking adverts are made in just one way. Different kinds of it include digital, television media as well as print ads that each aim at different target audiences and have different marketing approaches.

Let’s have a detailed analysis of each of them.

Fear Appeals

Some of the shock ads have always been oriented towards inciting fear to bring about a change in consumer behavior. Anti-smoking adverts that depict the dangerous consequences of smoking are prime examples.

For a fear appeal strategy to be productive, it should have fear reinforcement as well as solution provision or alternative which is generated by something good happening eventually. When done emotively, such commercials can enlighten individuals on important matters hence enabling them to make rational choices.

Taboo Subjects and Offensive Advertising

These jolt print ads stir up taboo issues or religious norms so as to arouse strong emotions and attract broad attention which helps them tackle down the standards ascribed in the society.

Such is an advertisement involving teenage models being exploited or shown negatively. It is in this regard that brands are faced with dilemmas, maintaining the communication without overshadowing the reputation of a company or distorting its intended positive context.

Disturbing Imagery

Some shocking advertisements depend on pics that are shocking or pictures that are scary to force strong reactions from watchers. More shock comes from unexpected disturbing scenes that make people concentrate.

To exemplify, car crash ads can be used as they show the serious repercussions when people ignore road signs in the last but one sentence but plunge into it by immersing themselves into writing in the next sentence.

Subverting Expectations

Advertising campaigns often begin familiarly and then immediately take them in directions that defy expectations in order to impact audiences powerfully by violating their known desires; they are said to be deceiving commercials.

An example of this is Burger King’s moldy Whopper campaign. In this campaign, Burger King showcased its signature Whopper burger covered in mold over time, highlighting the use of preservative-free ingredients. The ad initially appears unappetizing, but it subverts the expectation of a perfect-looking burger to convey a message about the freshness of their ingredients.

In their forays into shock advertising, brands must be aware that although it is a powerful communication tool for grabbing attention, it is also fraught with danger. It takes a long time for the negative effects of a shocking advertisement that is badly received to be reversed. They should consider the sensibilities of their targeted consumers as well as the broader societal norms when they work within these norms.

A successful shock advertising campaign can increase brand awareness significantly, but it requires careful planning and a deep understanding of the intended audience.

Is Shockvertising good for business?

Advertising strategies like shockvertising can prove fatal in the business world. On the one hand, making a brand or campaign extremely popular and attracting an emotional response from most people remains possible with this method. Conversely, it can fail terribly by losing audience confidence and spoiling the image of a trademark if implemented inappropriately.

An example of this type of shocking strategy would be “Dumb Ways to Die” which was made by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Australia as part of promoting safety around railroad transportation. The characters in this campaign were sweet doing silly things that could only lead them to death whereas, there was a song that made the whole thing sound ridiculous but it had funny bits too. However, there are some people who do not appreciate the kind of humor employed in the adverts because they touch on topics that are deemed to be too sensitive by many

Shockvertising can break through the clutter of traditional advertising and capture the audience’s attention. It is tough for brands to be visible because of the many ads that they have to endure today, due to this, one could say shockvertising responds to such a situation by broadcasting an exceptionally inconceivable message.

Shockvertising has its downside. This raises the stakes for some fears that are low on the scales of upsetting possibilities like estranging or offending the public for whom goods are produced. Yet what may be a disturbance to one is bound to be a tragedy for a different person or people; hence, it is risky for a trademark because once they overstretch their activities in this line, they may tarnish its image completely.

Businesses should ponder deeply on shockvertising considering its possible pros and cons. In addition, one should make sure that value in the form of shock is maintained without contradicting the company’s mission and vision. Not only should firms be set for rejection, but also have ways of avoiding the destruction of the image before it occurs.

Case Studies

Nike’s Colin Kaepernick Campaign

During 2018, Nike began a campaign that had the former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who is famous for kneeling over racial injustice during the national anthem. The advertising included a powerful picture featuring the face of Kaepernick along with words “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

This move sparked both praise and controversy, with some praising Nike for supporting Kaepernick’s activism and others criticizing the brand for wading into a divisive issue.

Despite the backlash, the campaign was a strategic success for Nike, as it generated significant attention, strengthened the brand’s association with social activism, and ultimately boosted sales.

Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi Commercial

The year 2017 saw an ad with Kendall Jenner as the star released by Pepsi which caused controversy because its unpredicted nature. Kendall Jenner who featured in the advert was being shown to engage with police men while trying to stop some form of protest.

Critics said that a can of soda could not address the severe matter of solving complex social problems, hence trivializing such serious social justice movements as Black Lives Matter.

Following adverse reactions, Pepsi immediately withdrew the ad and apologised. This scandal did not present Pepsi in terms many consumers would see positively. It underscored the danger of mentioning political or social matters in commercial messages and how crucial it is to realize these topics.

This commercial warns us about dangers entailed by incorporating matters regarding society into business promotions.

The Shock-Full Takeaway

Well-thought-of shocking advertisement increases the recall ability of an organization while at the same time boosting societal talks and promotion of revolutionary actions. Nonetheless, shock should be employed modestly by marketers lest customers get tired of it. Therefore, there must be a reason behind any shocking event that the brand represents even if they may seem indomitable at times.

Effective shouting can communicate feelings creating the desired impact otherwise negatively affects businesses more than helping them directly. Shouting should have a target otherwise it would not be impactful.

The ultimate goal is to create shock adverts that not only capture attention but also resonate with the audience in a way that is authentic, respectful, and aligned with the brand’s ethos.

When shock advertising is executed thoughtfully and meaningfully, it has the potential to leave a lasting impact and strengthen the connection between the brand and its audience.



Malav Patel
Word Garden

From sports to CEO at 23! I share leadership, marketing & finance tips for entrepreneurs. Failed, learned, soared (5x revenue growth). Let's build dreams!