Never Let Go

A Poetry of Embracing

Mehak Adlakha
Word Garden
1 min readJun 17, 2024


Photo by Ricardo Moura on Unsplash

Just as I ponder over you, I think I can never let you go.
My thoughts are connected to the essence of your soul.

My life is all about love, and the ways I can make it up to you.
For I have never found that one who made me feel this too.

I wish you’d keep me close, and the world as the next.
I love your hue on my soul, as much as I miss you over text.

There hasn’t been someone like you, I feel your love, I feel your light.
For the memories I endure, promise me, you’ll be my delight.

I can think of nothing but us, our love is a to and fro.
As much as I caress you, I hope you never let me go.


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Mehak Adlakha
Word Garden

26 | Owner of 'The Live. Love. Laugh Pub' | Software Engineer @ Microsoft, India | Tech Explorer and Life Enthusiast.