Newsflash — Schools cause more damage than good

In a recent study, the shocking stats that 80% of children dislike school were revealed, but what causes such a high number?

Georgia Smart
Word Garden
3 min readFeb 26, 2024


Photo by moren hsu on Unsplash

There are very mixed emotions on this as I’m sure some of you readers loved school and some absolutely hated it, to be honest, I’m one of those people who lived for the home-time bell.

I was never a bad child in school, always completed my homework and did not talk much, I just got on with my work, but still, despised the place. My attendance was quite low.

For sixth form, I just couldn’t get myself to go in, my attendance dropped as low as 60% and that was due to a certain teacher, making me feel I wasn’t good enough and like I didn’t belong there.

School just isn’t for some children and here are some reasons why:

  • bullying is rife
  • overwhelming workload
  • disliked teachers (I’m sure you can all think of one in particular)
  • education topics


A high number of children struggle with anxiety or other mental health illnesses, this can cause them to be excluded and alienated. Bullies look for these characteristics to choose a target and once they get started they don’t give up.

Around 22% of all students have had to deal with bullying and as schools mostly defend the bully or don’t address the situation, it only allows the bullying to become worse.

To top that off a lot of children don’t speak out about this, resulting in them having sick days more often or just not attending school.

I would suggest this is the school’s fault as in 2 different schools I was bullied and the issues weren’t sorted, all that happened is they moved me out of the classes which clashed with certain students.

Overwhelming workload

Homework homework homework. That’s all that children are given, once you have finally completed an unbearable 6 hours in school you are given more work to do when you get home!

What doesn’t help is the topics are completely useless like who even needs algebra in their daily life? Unless you’re a math teacher, this is a useless skill.

With children struggling to understand these topics as they have little interest in them they perform badly which again causes them to lose interest in school as they feel there is never an escape from it.

Disliked teachers

We all had one, that certain teacher who was unbelievably strict, well-known throughout the whole school, and disliked through the generations! Of course, we had some amazing teachers but the ones you remember are the bad ones.

With a teacher being too overwhelming and not understanding towards you, it sucks. You can’t look forward to the subject if you know the teacher is going to ruin it!

So many teachers I feel think they are able to put you down or underestimate you as who would the school believe, you or their own?

Will schools ever be liked?

As time goes by, schools aren’t getting a better reputation for themselves, with more children suffering from mental health we have to ask is school an escape for them or does it only make matters worse.

What are your thoughts on this matter?

Do you disagree?

Thank you for reading :)



Georgia Smart
Word Garden

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)