Not Completing To-Do Despite Working 12 hours?

Here’s the common productivity trap nobody talks about

Sumanpreet Kaur
Word Garden
3 min readJul 9, 2024


Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

Wake up at 5 AM.

Work without looking at the clock until 11 PM.

Sound familiar?

Yet, by the end of the day, your to-do list overflows with pending tasks.

I was in the same boat six months ago.

But then, everything changed with two simple tweaks.

Now, I work 8 hours a day with

  • more satisfaction,
  • more fulfillment,
  • and less effort.

The Common Productivity Trap

How do you measure productivity?

  • By completed tasks?
  • By working hours?

That’s a trap.

Productivity is measured by the outcome, not by the time spent.

Think about it: Does a gardener keep staring at all the plants and glued to the garden for faster growth?

No, plants flourish at their own pace and time.

So, why assume working 24 hours means accomplishing your goals faster?

  • If person A completes work efficiently in 2 hours and person B takes 4 hours for the same work, who is more productive?
  • If person A earns $2K spending 3 hours whereas person B spends 7 hours for the same amount, who is more productive?

Of course, A is up in the game of being productive in both cases. It’s not about the hours but the outcome of your hours spent.

Measuring Productivity Correctly

Productivity isn’t about clocking hours; it’s about achieving results.

Focusing on outcomes over hours can transform your approach to work.

For example, a content creator may spend 8 hours drafting articles but only get a few pieces ready for publishing. Meanwhile, another might spend 4 hours on high-leverage tasks like ideation and outlining, producing more valuable content in less time.

So, here’s how you can get more done in less hours:

1) Recognize Your High-Leverage Tasks

Not all tasks on your to-do list are equally important.

High-leverage tasks are those with high outcomes that matter for your long-term growth.

For example, my high-leverage tasks are content creation and template creation.

Identify your high-leverage tasks by assessing their impact on your goals and focus on these tasks early in the day. Prioritize them first.

2) Prioritize High-Leverage Tasks

Winning your morning with high-leverage tasks sets a productive tone for the day.

By completing significant tasks first, you avoid the afternoon slump and maintain momentum.

This strategy enhances both productivity and satisfaction.

3) Implement Effective Systems

“You don’t rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” — James Clear.

Systems facilitate work processes, ensuring consistent progress. Here’s how to establish effective systems:

  1. Identify Key Activities: Determine essential tasks for your goals.
  2. Create Procedures: Develop clear, step-by-step processes.
  3. Automate: Use tools to automate repetitive tasks.
  4. Regular Reviews: Continuously refine systems based on feedback.
  5. Monitor: Track performance with metrics and KPIs.
  6. Be Consistent: Stick to your systems for reliable progress.

To organize your life from one spot and work less to achieve more, here are the Notion templates to plug and use:

Content Planner:

Weekly Planner:

Daily Dashboard:

30-Day Goal Tracker:

Also, I’m working on productivity systems to help you organize, plan more effectively, and increase productivity without feeling overwhelmed or being tied to your desktop.

Subscribe this page to get the productivity hub (a set of Notion templates) in your DM: Sumanpreet Kaur (

Something big is coming up. Stay tuned!

