On Amateur Writing in Real-time

Finding Satori Within Nature
Word Garden
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2024

Live coverage of a writer on Medium

I have the idea of recording while I write today and will attach the audio at the base of this article. To start the day, there are a few items to cover first to lay a foundation for a productive shift. There are methods for bringing to life an article even if we have our attention elsewhere. Leaning into distractions helps us to destigmatize a wandering mind. I argue that I can produce online content because my mind wanders. The idle passing thoughts that are bubbling around at any given moment can be captured by writing them haphazardly into a pocketbook. The ideas can then be played around with and edited into a comprehensible essay. Journaling enables the articulation of unspoken words. In this audio recording, I am sharing with you live coverage of a day in the life of a writer on Medium.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of designating a distraction-free workspace. We can all fine-tune our personal spaces to a science, but I encourage writers to have workspaces that are clutter-free the night before. Not only can you hit the ground running as soon as you wake up, but it also allows for unbroken writing sprints. I feel there must be some psychological effect of clearing my desk before I go to bed. It reminds me of the work I have accomplished. There is now a blank slate, ready, and waiting to be utilized. This refresh is dream fuel to think about what can be explored tomorrow.

I recommend meal prepping as well. The process not only saves time and money but also most precious, our attention. Without traveling a distance or spending the time to cook/do dishes, we can stay tethered to the universe we are writing within. Going out to eat, this includes fast food, takes us out of our focus. Taking a short lunch break is obviously beneficial, but not when these breaks turn into hours. Also, spending money on hot food adds up faster than we’d like to admit. Planning out nutritious meals keeps us in the right headspace, saves us money, and allows us the ability to eat healthier. If you doubt your cooking capabilities, buying reusable and reheatable containers from your local natural food store can help. Also, there are a number of YouTubers who are vying for your attention to teach you how to eat healthier.

With pen cartridges inked, water bottle filled, and a pomodoro clock set, let’s get into this morning’s writing session. Here are my hours today:

1. Determine today’s topic.

2. Established a better recording set-up and rewrote the introductory paragraph.

3. Cleaned fountain pens.

4. Expanded and edited earlier writing.

5. Typed out this journal entry into a Google Doc and utilized spell check.

Lunch break: Broccoli, celery, carrots, plant balls, and potatoes stir-fried with Szechuan sauce over a leafy greens mix. I added a side of cashews and popcorn. To drink I had a turmeric, lemongrass, lion’s mane, and ginger protein drink.

6. Workshopped with my mother about our writing-filled morning. Transferred the article over to Medium.

7. Worked on draft three of chapter two of my manuscript.

8. Wrapped up the page I was typing from chapter two. Time to submit this article for publication. Here is the audio I recorded live in real-time for today’s workday:

Thank you for stopping by to read. I appreciate the claps and subscriptions. If you like how I write, consider reading this post from a month ago:

Bye for now.



Finding Satori Within Nature
Word Garden

Hello, I am...finding satori within nature. Enough people have simply walked up to me while I'm out in the wild and asked me if they can read what I'm writing.