Online Gaming Relives Stress (Especially Fighting Games)

And yes, that’s hard to believe

Georgia Smart
Word Garden
3 min readMay 4, 2024


Photo by Fábio Magalhães on Unsplash

For all my life I have gamed, and I love it, there is such a variety of games out there and you can really get lost in the world that your character lives in.

My favorite games to play are still overwatch, COD, and Apex Legends, I know what you’re thinking, for a girl these aren’t the normal games of choice.

Usually, the average girl gamer is stereotyped to play Animal Crossing or Sims, as they are easier and don’t have violent scenes, but a lot more girls are changing their playing style.

I personally find those games not as thrilling and exciting, so I play COD. I can tell you although there is so much belief that you rage, throw things around your room, and screaming at your teammates but it’s not always like that.

Yes, you can get the odd person on there who can’t control their anger and rage but it’s easy to turn off the chat.

When I am stressed in life, or have had a busy day the best thing I can do to relax is gaming. I like to have a little setup, usually applying a face mask, grabbing some snacks with a hot drink, and then hop on.

The chat

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

The only thing that I hate is the levels of toxicity I receive while gaming, especially on certain games for being a girl, you get called out so constantly that you expect it each game or whenever you miss a kill.

This to me causes me to become sad, but I have learned to deal with it better, by turning off the chat or ignoring it.

But once you bypass that you can have the most relaxing time.

The best way to end a busy day is to do the things you love in life, relaxed with no worries as you are so focused on the game.

This applies to most people, I’m sure we all know a gamer who absolutely loses it when they get killed and I’m sure their stress levels definitely rise.

Gaming vs mental health

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

I believe as a way to destress that gaming should be spoken about more, there is such variety out there and definitely something for everyone.

I’m enjoying Tomb Raider at the moment, it’s completely different and causes you to think, but by doing this I forget my problems, and can take time to focus on myself in a unique way.

Parent tend to hate video games, as they take up all their kid’s time, but as long as they are happy and safe, then isn’t it good that they are doing something they enjoy?

Across life the most important thing is your happiness and whatever can make you feel better you should definitely do, even if the connotations or stereotypes of it tell you that it isn’t good for you.

Do you use video games to help you relax?

Thank you for reading! :)

Photo by rivage on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Word Garden

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)