Overcome External Pressure and Unleash Your True Potential

Miebaka Bipibama
Word Garden
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2024

Discover how external pressures, such as societal expectations and financial obligations, can affect personal growth. Learn how to overcome these pressures to find true fulfillment.

Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

It’s no news that societal norms, family expectations, and financial obligations have a huge impact on people’s decisions and growth in life or business. In many ways, these friends, family, and society give you hints or suggestions that may sway you from your true path, leading to stress and unfulfillment.

By understanding the effect these pressures have, you can take steps to focus on what truly matters. Today, we’ll explore the different types of external pressure, their psychological effects, and strategies to overcome them so you can grow.

Common Types of External Pressure

Societal Pressure

Every society has its norms and expectations, which dictate how people should live their lives. This is enhanced by social media, with many posts and versions of what success and happiness ought to be. It leads to a feeling of inadequacy, which pushes you to conform rather than pursue what truly matters to you.

Family and Peer Pressure

It’s normal to feel pressure from those closest to you. Your family may have certain expectations about your career, lifestyle, or life choices. Similarly, friends can unintentionally exert influence as you naturally compare yourself with them. This comparison tends to extend beyond personal achievements to include material possessions and social status.

Financial Obligations

Financial pressure could come in many forms, such as debt, the need to maintain a certain lifestyle, or even getting out of a poor one. This leads to stress and also affects your decision-making process. You could find yourself choosing jobs or making life choices based on financial necessity rather than personal fulfillment.

The Impact of External Pressure

Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Stress and Anxiety

An immediate effect of pressure is stress and anxiety. You might begin to worry about meeting expectations, wondering what others will think, or fear disappointing others. This mental strain can lead to health issues, such as insomnia, depression, or even physical ailments like headaches or heart disease.

Loss of Personal Identity and Goals

Another serious consequence is losing sight of who you are as an individual. The pressures around you might cause you to lose sight of your identity, passions, dreams, and goals. You may find yourself pursuing someone else’s dream instead of your own because that’s what seems acceptable or expected in your social circle or family.

Hindrance to Genuine Growth and Fulfillment

Lastly, you find yourself making decisions based on these pressures rather than your interests or talents, which will delay you from achieving true satisfaction.

Furthermore, when decisions are made based on external factors, there is always a risk of regret later in life for not following your heart.

Strategies to Overcome External Pressure

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Building Self-Awareness

Dealing with external pressures begins with knowing yourself. You need to identify your personal goals and understand what matters to you. This self-awareness helps differentiate between expectations imposed by others and what you truly want for yourself.

Setting Boundaries

Overcoming external pressure requires that you create boundaries. It entails that you say “NO” when things don’t align with your values or goals. Setting clear boundaries helps you maintain focus and prevent others from dictating your life choices.

Seeking Support and Guidance

When you’re feeling the weight of external pressures, don’t hesitate to seek help. Reach out to mentors or join support groups that can provide resources and advice based on their experiences. Surrounding yourself with supportive people helps you stay focused on your own path.


To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

External pressure can greatly influence our choices and actions, even to the point of steering us away from our true potential. You must remember that your path in life is unique and should be followed based on your values and aspirations. Take time to reflect on what matters to you, realign your actions with your goals, and start living a life that shines!

Have you ever been pressured to do something? What other ways do you believe people can overcome external pressure? Share your thoughts or ideas with me; I’ll love to read them in the comments.

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Miebaka Bipibama
Word Garden

I'm here to air my thoughts on [Life's lessons, Mental health, Well-Being]