Rock the Page with the Rhythm of Life

Discover How Family and Hobbies Fuel Extraordinary Writing

Amy Barlowe
Word Garden
4 min readJun 26, 2024


Photo by Aldin Nasrun on Unsplash

Tuesday dawned with its usual flurry of activity. Packing lunches, reminding Cassie about her gymnastics practice, and answering Darla’s endless questions about becoming a nurse — it was a whirlwind.

Later, after a day spent navigating the complexities of the legal world, I found myself at the climbing gym. The adrenaline surged through me as I scaled the wall, every muscle screaming with exertion and joy. In that moment, I felt the power of pushing boundaries, of reaching for something beyond the ordinary. It struck me then that the unique rhythm of my life, the blend of raising three phenomenal children, the quiet focus of my legal work, and the thrill of my climbing passion is what breathes life into my writing. My family, my work, my hobbies — they are the heart of my stories, the fuel for my words, constantly shaping my perspective. Just like a climber searching for the next handhold, discovering the rhythm of your own life can unlock a new level of writing, a level you never thought possible.

Family Fun, Family Fuel

Life with my kids is a constant source of amusement. George, my football-obsessed son, once thought he could outrun a squirrel raiding our bird feeder. He chased it around the yard, shouting about touchdowns and tackles, it was hilarious! But more than just laughter, my family inspires me deeply.

Watching Cassie practice her gymnastics, her focus and determination gives me insight into building strong female characters in my writing. Darla, my budding nurse, shows me the power of compassion through her caring for her stuffed animals. Even Bill and I, navigating our busy schedules, sharing responsibilities, and laughing through the craziness, offer inspiration for real-life couples in my stories. My family’s dynamic is a wellspring of inspiration for character development, plot twists, and the heartwarming, heart-wrenching moments that make writing so powerful. Those everyday interactions, the funny moments, and even the tough ones, become the building blocks of my stories!

Photo by bady abbas on Unsplash

Climbing the Wall, Climbing the Page

Last weekend, I tried a new climbing route at the gym. It was an overhang, a real challenge that tested my strength and stamina. Conquering that wall felt incredible, the sense of accomplishment was so rewarding.

But there are amazing connections between rock climbing and writing. You need discipline, focus, and problem-solving skills to climb, and those same skills are essential for writing too. Both activities demand intense concentration, resilience, and the ability to break down difficult challenges into smaller steps. When I’m on the wall, struggling to reach the next handhold, I’m using the same mental strength I use to overcome writer’s block. Finding creative solutions, trying different approaches, and embracing the process — these skills were honed on the rock face and now help me write compelling stories. The more I climb, the more I push my boundaries, and learn from each climb, the stronger my writing becomes.

Bill’s Garage, My Writing Lab

Bill’s love for classic cars is infectious. He spends hours in his garage, meticulously restoring vintage vehicles, each piece a puzzle he’s determined to solve. He’s all about detail, precision, and bringing something old back to life. Watching him work is fascinating. It’s inspiring for my writing, surprisingly.

Just as he carefully examines every bolt and nut, I’m learning to pay attention to the finer points of my stories. I’m learning to focus on the nuances of character development and the subtle details that make a scene come alive. His passion for restoring these cars, and breathing new life into them, reminds me of the power of transforming words into compelling narratives. Bill’s dedication to his craft reminds me to treat my writing with the same level of care, ensuring every detail, every word, carries weight and contributes to the overall story. It’s amazing how our hobbies can inspire each other, fueling creativity and pushing us to be better in both our passions.

Photo by Emily Studer on Unsplash

Cassie’s Gymnastics and Character Strength

Cassie’s gymnastics routines are a constant source of inspiration for my writing. Watching her perform, her focus so intense, sparked an idea for a main character in my current project. This character is a strong young woman who faces challenges with a fearless heart and an unyielding spirit, much like Cassie.

Seeing her work through difficult moves, never giving up, helped me create a character that resonates with resilience and determination. It’s amazing how children can teach us about life and storytelling. Their energy, their dreams, and their struggles, all become fuel for my writing, making my stories more relatable and, hopefully, more impactful.

The Power of Your Own Story

I’ve discovered the secret to writing my best work. It’s not just about sheer willpower, but about living a full and vibrant life. My family, my love of climbing, even Bill’s crazy car adventures — they all infuse my stories with richness and depth.

They give me unique characters, unexpected plot twists, and genuine emotions I wouldn’t find anywhere else. So embrace your passions, your loved ones, and your experiences — they’re the fuel that will ignite your best writing. What inspires you? Share your stories in the comments and let’s inspire one another. Be sure to follow for more writing tips and stories that celebrate life’s rhythm.



Amy Barlowe
Word Garden

Joyful mom of three, loving wife, productivity guru, and mindset writer. Embracing life's adventures!