Running an Agency Business is Like Being Chased by a Bear

Here’s How to Stay Ahead

Joe Testouri
Word Garden
3 min readJun 17, 2024


Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash

Running an agency can feel like being chased by a bear in the woods. But here’s the thing:

you don’t need to be faster than the bear itself to survive, just faster than the slowest person in your group.

The same goes for the cut-throat jungle of online business.

When I first started my agency, I felt like I was stepping into a dense jungle teeming with competitors. Some offered rock-bottom prices, others promised the moon and the stars, and a few even claimed they could get you on Elon Musk’s next SpaceX mission! (Okay, maybe not quite that, but you get my drift.)

My Journey Through the Jungle

I was a newbie in a crowded market. It seemed like everyone had a louder voice, flashier promises, or deeper pockets. It was intimidating, to say the least.

But then, I remembered our bear analogy. To succeed, I didn’t have to be the absolute best — just better than the loudest, most unreliable voices out there.

The first step was figuring out how to stand out without shouting louder than everyone else. Here’s what I discovered and how it can help you too.

How to Outrun the Bear in Your Business

1. Show Proof

Imagine you’re at a party. One guest is loudly boasting about climbing Mount Everest, but has no photos or stories to back it up.

Another quietly shares a well-documented journey up a smaller, but equally challenging mountain. Who would you believe?

In business, proof is your quiet, convincing story. Share a case study or a success story. . When potential clients see real results, they’re more likely to trust you over the noisy boasters.

But what if you’re just starting out and don’t have any case study or a success story?

2. Borrow Authority

If you’re just starting out and lack a hefty portfolio, borrow authority from established names. Mentioning strategies or techniques used by reputable brands can lend you credibility. It’s like saying, “This isn’t just my idea; it’s a method proven by the big guys.”

For instance, if you’ve adopted a marketing strategy similar to one used by a successful company or marketer (like Alex Hormozi), talk about it.

Explain how Company X achieved Y results using this approach, and how you can replicate it for your clients. This shows you’re not just winging it — you have a plan grounded in success.

3. Offer Value Upfront

Imagine you walk into a bakery, and they offer you a free sample of their newest pastry. It’s delicious, and now you’re more likely to buy a box to take home. Offering value upfront works the same way in business.

Give your prospects something useful before they even think about hiring you. This could be a free consultation, an insightful blog post, or a valuable e-book.

When people see you’re willing to help them without immediately asking for something in return, they’ll trust you more and view you as an expert.

Check out my free, step-by-step cold email course here to learn how to send cold emails that’ll get you clients.

Standing Out Amidst the Noise

In a sea of loud, flashy competitors, being reliable and valuable makes you stand out. You don’t need to promise the impossible or undercut everyone’s prices. Just be honest, offer real value, and show that you know what you’re talking about.

To conclude…

Running an agency is like trying to outrun that bear. You don’t have to be the best — just better than the loud-mouth competitors who rarely deliver on their outrageous promises.

Focus on showcasing proof, borrowing authority when needed, and offering value upfront. By doing this, you’ll shine brighter in the eyes of your prospects and leave the competition in the dust.

Remember, it’s not about being the fastest runner; it’s about being smart, reliable, and valuable. Start today, and watch as you outpace the competition and grow your agency beyond your wildest dreams.

Hope that made sense!

My name is Joe. I run a $20K+/Mo marketing agency (Bespoke Brand Developers) while traveling around the world. I write to share the knowledge I wish I had access to when I started my agency in 2019. Follow me and stay tuned for more business/agency scaling knowledge.



Joe Testouri
Word Garden

I share my agency knowledge to help you scale your agency business to $20K/Mo. The Founder of Bespoke Academy. Scaled my agency & coaching business to $40K/Mo.