Serendipity is the New Target

Design Allegories _ Alev Gokce
Word Garden
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2024
Photo by Enrique Ortega Miranda on Unsplash

We human beings think in binary terms. Everything is either black or white. We want to think that we accept greys. Unfortunately, greys make us uncomfortable most of the time.

We all need to learn to live with ambiguity and accept it as a necessary evil to grow, change, and be successful.

I said we think in binary terms. Because we believe we need to have targets and a well-defined road instead of just exploring and not knowing what we want.

We want to think that time spent not knowing is a massive waste of time.

I would say this: Sometimes, we know our path ahead and forge to conquer highs, and other times, we do not know and meander in circles. And both are OK. In fact, meandering is more than OK; it is a necessary evil if we want to reach the highs we are destined to achieve.

How else can we explore who we indeed can be?

One would hope that the time spent meandering is shorter than the time spent conquering. But who knows?

Life taught me that meandering has a very crucial added benefit. You would allow serendipity to happen to you. Serendipity is one word I love: the chance encounter you have not planned; you couldn’t have planned because you did not know it existed.

To be frank, creativity and innovation involve many chance encounters—finding a solution while looking for something else.

Tom Hanks once said: ‘Without question, we make choices — and those choices have consequences. So, can you control your own destiny? To a degree, certainly. Must you have faith in serendipity? Without question, you’d better. Otherwise, you’re foolish’.

So, let us meander more and have serendipity catch us for the creativity to reach its surprising heights.



Design Allegories _ Alev Gokce
Word Garden

Later in life I obtained an MA in Interior Design from SCAD just because design is my passion. Now, I write about design to inspire others.