Simple Tweaks to Improve Your Online Writing

Writing is your craft… make it better every single day.

Neil Kollipara
Word Garden


Photo by Zach Key on Unsplash

You’ll never become the best writer you can become — which is the beauty of writing.

With the written word, there’s always room for improvement.

I’ve got three simple things you can do to fine-tune your writing so you can better express your thoughts and keep readers coming back for more.

Let’s go!

1/ Write first, then edit

One common mistake people make is editing as they write.

This is a fatal error, one that’s stopping you from having real impact with your words.

Sometimes people think to themselves, “If I edit as I write, I’m knocking out two tasks instead of just one.”


Editing is meant to be done AFTER writing, not during.

Why is that?

Well, when you’re writing, you’re getting your thoughts out on to the page.

Oftentimes when you write, you don’t even know what some of your thoughts are…

Which is why writing is referred to as a process of discovery.



Neil Kollipara
Word Garden

Articles about self-improvement and simple living. I write a newsletter called Creator Chronicles. Check out all my stuff at