Stop Searching for the Right Person in the Wrong Way, Change the Approach: Discover the Best Dating Tip

Word Garden
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2024
A guy and a lady are seen giving each other love balloons.
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Ah, the sweet scent of love is wafting through the air, tickling our senses and making our hearts flutter. Or so we like to believe, right? Welcome to February, the month of love, all thanks to the much-anticipated Valentine’s Day that graces us on the 14th. And guess what? That day is today! But hold onto your hearts, because I bring something sizzling your way.

Sometimes, we all get a bit enthusiastic with finding our perfect match. Of course, it’s totally okay to search for the right person or ‘the one’. But what if we’re not searching in the right direction? Maybe that’s the reason we’re not hitting the jackpot!

Have we ever thought of the fact that the right person we are searching for and waiting for is also searching and waiting for the right person too? Exactly! It’s like a video loop! This only brings us to one point: to stumble upon your dream partner, you need to become someone’s dream partner first. After all, who wants to be with ‘the wrong person’?. To make things simpler, I’d say to meet an incredible person, be an incredible person.

Undoubtedly, each one of us is remarkable in our unique ways. However, I’m referring to the pursuit of becoming the finest versions of ourselves. This involves a daily commitment to learning and self-improvement, striving to be better with each passing day. It’s about seizing the opportunity for growth, which should be a fundamental part of our everyday lives.

How can I improve myself to become an incredible person?

Now, this brings us to self-improvement. To become an incredible person, invest in improving yourself. Decide to walk steadily towards perfection. Yes, that’s the key.

Let’s not forget the law of attraction, like attracts like. It’s the usual drill, my dear reader. Want to experience positivity? the first step is to be positive yourself! Looking for the perfect match? Well, start by being the perfect catch yourself!

How do I work on self-improvement?

My initial response is always the same: make a list. This list should include all the things you want to improve in your life. It could be a habit you want to change, a new one you want to adopt, or a decision you need to make. Whatever it may be, jot it down and place checkboxes next to each item. As you accomplish each task, tick off the corresponding checkbox. (The power of checkboxes is just amazing!).

Secondly, never stop growing. This can be achieved by listening to others and reading widely. Trust me, there’s a vast landscape of information out there in the world. You might not be aware of it simply because you’ve chosen to stay within your comfort zone. So, step out of your bubble and explore the world of knowledge that awaits you.

Immerse yourself in a variety of self-improvement resources. listen to self improvement podcasts, read self improvement books or blogs and watch captivating videos that stimulate your intellect.

By consistently feeding your mind with these enriching materials, you foster personal growth and development. This continuous learning journey allows you to expand your horizons and evolve into a better version of yourself.

So this is love…

As we invest more in self-improvement, we not only prepare ourselves to meet the ‘right person’, but we also enhance our aura and energy. This attracts us more subconsciously towards our ‘right persons’.


Originally published at on February 14, 2024.



Word Garden

Thriver who loves writing. I blog on Self-improvement| Self-motivation| Self-care.