
Jose Alexander Davila
Word Garden
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2024
Wil Stewart (Upsplash)

Boy, you’re stuck. You stewed for the last two hours about what you were going to put on the page when you got home. A myriad of ideas flurried through your head like a snowstorm, and honestly you felt like you had a damn good amount of them. Ahhhh……

Yeah, it’s that way a lot. Don’t call it writer’s block. That’s not even remotely close to what I would say I am dealing with. Sometimes you feel as if you have all the answers. It’s as if every hurling idea is exactly the thing that needs to be shouted to the masses. Of course, that’s not always right. No. Collect yourself. Get your thoughts in order (whatever that means). Pick a particular pattern of thinking, go down that path, and see what you could possibly muster up. That’s my way anyway. It seems to have worked for the past few months, I suppose.

Those ideas are always there. I’ve talked about this before. It’s as if the creation is just waiting to be snatched right from the air. Your mind is ready for it. You know exactly what needs to be done in order to tap into your “creative side.” Oh, but do you? No. Sometimes it’s as if you’re grabbing at smoke. The product is right in front of you, but good luck clutching at steam with your bare hands. How could you possibly begin to collect it? That’s okay though. You enjoy the game. Shoot, you have to be grateful in a way that the ideas are even there at all. That’s what I mean by this not being a “writer’s block.” No, no, no. This is an access issue. You simply find it troublesome to collect the product for creation. There’s no shortage of ideas. You tell yourself that anyway.

Just get to where you need to be. You remember that you’ve done this countless times before. You remember that it’s only a matter of time until a flow state ensues. Shoot, aren’t you essentially in some form of flow in one way or another? It’s a referencing discrepancy. Sometimes you’re assuring yourself that you’ve nothing of merit to put down on the page. You cut yourself off. You’re selling yourself short. It’s fine. It happens. You make a mental note to recognize when it does though and make an absolute point to address it immediately when it does. That’s fruitful. That gets you somewhere. And before you know it, you’ve created something you’ve deemed even remotely worth exhibiting out to the world around you.



Jose Alexander Davila
Word Garden

Let's get lost down some rabbit holes together and explore this weird world through a jumbled mess of words we can cling to!