The 2 Things That Determine Your Success On Medium

Mark Boyle
Word Garden
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2024


Ignore them at your peril!

The 2 Things That Determine Your Success On Medium
Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

A fellow Medium writer triggered the need for this article and is true for ALL online content platforms.

I hear you say that Medium is NOT a selling platform but it is. You’re promoting the brand (you) regularly to your audience.

Various components play a part in how your online success or failure. The two main ones are -

The need for original content is huge with the emergence of AI. Platforms and creators are queuing up for genuine content.

They don’t want a machine-driven bot producing content without emotion

They’re willing to pay you (the writer) healthy sums to give the customer what they’re (usually) looking for — originality. And Medium is NO different.

It doesn’t need to be Hemingway or Shakespeare standard. Just honest content that people want to read and can resonate with.

Staying in the race long enough to realize your potential. That’s the key.

It’s a process, but you have to show up regularly. Even on the days when things aren’t going your way, and you want to shut your computer down.



Mark Boyle
Word Garden

Online marketing since 2009. Check out my FREE Pinterest eBook + tips about making money online. 📚📚