The End Of McDonald’s?

And all other fast food chains

Georgia Smart
Word Garden
3 min readMay 12, 2024


Photo by Khalid Boutchich on Unsplash

In the past few years, we have been woken up to a couple of things. One of them is the impact of food. We all want to look after our bodies and keep fit, but this could put major fast-food restaurants out of business.

There seems to be a trend at the moment, to eat real food. This consists of a natural, healthy diet.

This diet may include items such as:

  • Eggs
  • Meat
  • Veg and fruit

These are all naturally grown without pesticides. The meat is grass-fed while the eggs are reared on corn. These all lead to a healthier meal.

But why all of a sudden?

A lot of influencers, dieticians, and doctors are speaking up, they are highlighting the garbage that fast food industries pump into their food to make it taste better.

You might be buying fries, but from McDonald’s did you know that they have so much badness in them?

  • Sugar
  • Preservatives
  • Emulsifiers

These are all things that you wouldn’t expect in your fries, all I would expect is potatoes, seasonings, and oil.

People are beginning to do a higher amount of home cooking, making sure they know what is in their foods, keeping them healthy and happy.

I have started this too, I hardly go to fast food restaurants anymore, they are all the same, and over a whole lifetime of eating them, who knows what badness it’s doing to our bodies.

I also stressed the importance of this to my boyfriend, who is doing the same as me. We both used to eat takeaway regularly, including many McDonald’s.

But as all this new information comes out to expose the chains, it will drive their customers away.

Of course, there will always be demand for their food, as not everybody can home cook, and for a cheap filling meal, McDonald’s might be the best option, also for money reasons.

But for a lot of other people, the change has already begun.

McDonald’s today

I think there needs to be a change, many restaurants need to change the way they look at their food if they got in regular deliveries with fresh food, cooked in a healthy way, there would be a higher demand for it.

I would like to see the ingredients becoming less and only the essentials and I would go back to being a customer.

Of course, it might alter the taste, but isn’t that worth it for helping your body?

The problem is that these restaurants prioritize making the most profit, and foods that they can store longer are more cost-effective.

Therefore they will always choose the option filled with preservatives.

Supermarket food

You could also say this about so many foods out there, there are just normal raw chicken breasts in the supermarket with sugar as an ingredient.

You would think the only ingredient would be chicken breast, but you’re wrong.

In lots of foods, they add sugar just to make it taste nicer. Or preservatives to make it last longer. Also, there are many ingredients that we don’t even know how to pronounce.

Personally, the amount of foods you would have to cut out to avoid these addictive ingredients is a lot, I am starting by cutting out fast food meals like a lot of other people.

Do you think there will be a time when the world turns away from fast food?

Thank you for reading :)

Photo by Lily Banse on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Word Garden

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)