The Only Three Tricks You Need to Improve Your Blog Post Quality

Create blog posts that keep readers coming for more.

Francis Ekwunife
Word Garden
4 min readFeb 15, 2024


Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

The past two days have been exciting.

It came out of nowhere.

The amount of likes and comments on my posts is more than I’ve ever received in a month.

Many people say how much my posts help them and how good of a writer I am.

But it wasn’t always this way.

It took me a year of consistent writing to get to this level.

And I’ve noticed three things that constantly improve my blog post quality.

I want to share them with you so you can improve your blog post quality, too.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

Trick #1: Write specific and good headlines

Photo by Aidan Bartos on Unsplash

If you want your blog post quality to be good, make your headlines specific.

If you include everyone in your headline, no one will click on it.

Make your headline about a specific pain point of a group. That way, that group of people will always click on your post.

“The power of a specific headline lies in its ability to address a reader’s problem or desire directly.” — Seth Godin

For a long time, my post quality was poor.

And it was because I wanted everyone to feel included when I wrote my headlines.

Because of this, no one clicked on my blog posts or engaged with it.

But when I changed this, my blog post quality improved.

This is how I do it:

  • I make my headlines about a specific group, like writers or Christians.
  • I then put their pain point in it and change it into a positive outcome.
  • For example, for writers who want more views, my headline is Three simple ways to boost your blog post views.

Trick #2: Make it concise

Photo by Pierre Châtel-Innocenti on Unsplash

Your posts should be concise and straight to the point.

Readers want it short, simple and sweet.

Make it easy to understand and valuable.

And always deliver on your title.

“The best writing is always clear, concise, and to the point.” — Ernest Hemingway

People love my posts because I keep it short and straight to the point.

This is how I do it:

  • I avoid overexplaining myself when I write.
  • I use Grammarly to cut out unnecessary words and phrases.
  • I make sure my writing is always simple, short, straight to the point, and valuable to my readers.
  • I also add subheadings and bullet points to help my readers quickly read through.

Trick #3: Add whitespace, subheadings and pictures

Photo by Dedu Adrian on Unsplash

People hate reading boring posts.

Stop adding blocks of text.

Leave lots of whitespace in your posts, and add pictures and subheadings.

Make your posts beautiful.

“A writer should have the precision of a poet and the imagination of a painter.” — Pat Conroy

I’ve read so many pro writers who say the best blog posts are the ones that look pleasing.

I’ve taken their advice and sought ways to make my posts beautiful.

And it has improved my blog post quality.

This is how I do it:

  • I always add whitespace every 1–3 lines of writing.
  • I add subheadings, bullet points and quotes. I always italicize and bold some areas of my writing.
  • I add pictures in my intro and after every subheading.

If you want to improve the quality of your blog posts, practice these three tricks:

  • Write specific and good headlines. It should be a pain point for a particular group.
  • Make your writing concise, simple, valuable, and straight to the point.
  • Add whitespace, pictures, and subheadings. Make your posts beautiful.

These are the three things I do to improve my blog post quality.

Practice them to improve yours, too.

Share your stories on improving the quality of your blog posts to inspire others.

If this helped you, subscribe to my newsletter for more exclusive posts on becoming a better writer, writing quality posts, building your brand and self-improvement here!!!



Francis Ekwunife
Word Garden

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