The Power of Love

Chung Yuen Keong
Word Garden
Published in
5 min readMar 18, 2024

Love conquers all barriers when two people are in love.

Love surpasses family backgrounds and education levels.

Love equalizes the social status of the two lovers.

Image created by the Author (Picsart)

In the early 1980s, I worked as an account clerk at a paint manufacturing company under the supervision of Miss. Ho Pui Sun (Sun-sun), our departmental executive.

Wong Manlok was the contractor handling the repair jobs for our company. I got to know Wong Manlok as he would come to collect payments from me, and we often had lunch together.

On an occasion, during lunchtime at our company pantry, Manlok confided in me. He said, “Fred, I need to tell you something. I think I’m in love with Sun-sun. She’s beautiful and sweet, and I love her.” I listened attentively to Manlok’s confession, trying my best to hide my surprise.

“Manlok, do you think Sun-sun feels the same way about you?” After a sip of my black coffee, I asked with hesitation. I hoped he could understand the difference between infatuation and love. Ignoring my remarks, he continued telling me about buying Sun-sun breakfast every morning and how she thanked him with a sweet smile.

“I mean…Do you think Sun-sun loves you?” I put my question straight forward.

“Sun-sun asked me for help with moving to her new house.” Manlok went on speaking without answering my question. Then he moved closer and whispered, “She has invited me to dinner tomorrow night. I think she is interested in me.”

Perhaps I had had preconceptions about their different social status and personalities. I did not think a successful romance was possible.

How did other people look at their relationships?

Manlok’s co-workers and friends had doubts regarding the genuineness of their love. They thought that he had a crush on Sun-sun. Additionally, Sun-sun’s parents were particularly opposed to their relationship because of the vast differences in their backgrounds and education levels.

On the other hand, Sun-sun’s colleagues were not optimistic about the chances of a positive outcome, and they worried that Manlok might have mistaken Sun-sun’s kindness for love.

However, let us first examine the backgrounds of both Manlok and Sun-sun before exploring this topic further, .

Wong Manlok — The Contractor

Manlok was not handsome but hardworking. His dedication to his work often made him neglect his family. As a result, his wife divorced him and took their son with her. He was single at the age of forty-five. Recently, he contracted to repair the equipment of our company. Despite this setback, Manlok remained calm and composed and continued to pursue love.

When Manlok met Sun-sun, he found her physically and emotionally intriguing, and she grabbed his attention immediately. As he led a lonely life, he hoped that Sun-sun would be the one to fill the emptiness in his heart.

Ho Pui San (Sun-sun) — Head of our department

Sun-sun came from a wealthy family and graduated from a Canadian university. She worked as an administrative executive in our company and was known for her beauty and seriousness. However, despite being single and in her mid-thirties, she often acted superior to others. She maintained an elegant appearance to cover up her loneliness and longing for friends, especially those of the opposite gender. Due to this behavior, she did not have many friends and was often left feeling isolated and unloved.

When Sun-sun met Manlok, she reacted with a sense of pleasure and motivation. In that situation, it was easy for her to mistake infatuation with love. She built the relationship with Manlok merely on pleasure and reward reaction. That was just a fictional romance. Perhaps she only relished the contentment of the moment.

Before judging whether they were genuinely in LOVE or just experiencing INFATUATION, let’s explore the differences between the two.

What is Love?

Love, according to Dr. Lisa Firestone, co-author of the book “Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships”, is not merely a feeling but an action. When two people are in love, they do not worry about what others think of their relationship. Both trust each other fully and find joy and happiness in their relationship. They strive for fulfillment and support each other through successes and failures.

What is Infatuation?

According to the research by Northwestern University, infatuation is a strong passion for a specific person. It is an irrational form of passion, which people mistake for love. The relationship is based primarily on physical attraction and lust. Therefore, the relationship is weak — it flares and goes out quickly.

Nevertheless, the worst consequence of infatuation may lead to lovesickness, which is the forceful feelings arising from being unable to confess one’s love to the other person.

Manlok and Sun-sun’s Love Story

Manlok and Sun-sun invited me to their 40th anniversary not long ago. They have a blissful marriage with a stronger, healthier, and happier bond. Their son and daughter are married and living in Singapore. They have four grandchildren.

Manlok and Sun-sun have an illustrious love story. When they first met, they were infatuated with each other. They had the same chemical reaction and became good friends. Then, they could not keep their hands off each other. From thereon, their relationship blossomed into deep love. Finally, they decided to get married to live a happy life.

However, maintaining a healthy relationship is strenuous. first, Manlok and Sun-sun accepted each other’s strengths and weaknesses and shared their experiences. Then they also supported each other’s growth as individuals and as a team. The most crucial part of their marriage is the commitment, as husband and wife, to love each other until death. However, the power of love overcomes difficulties.

The Power of Love

It also reminds me not to underestimate the power of love. There are no boundaries in love. Nothing can break the bond between a man and a woman when they are in deep love.

When people are in love, their love conquers all barriers and education levels. The power of love surpasses family backgrounds and equalizes the social status of the two lovers.

What do you think about true love? You are welcome to leave your comments to let me know your opinions.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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Chung Yuen Keong
Word Garden

I am the editor of The LOve Pub. I enjoy writing ghost stories. At the same time, I write love, relationship, children's stories, and poems on my Medium blog.