The real reason I am not writing daily on Medium.

Mohit Aneja đź’¸
Word Garden
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2024

When I started my writing journey on Medium I never thought I would reach such a level so quickly. I gained around 80 followers, and more than 200 views, and have published 44 stories till now.

For many of you, it might not be perfect stats but for me, it's more than I expected because I don’t have a writing habit, nor did I am into any field related to writing.

I started writing in the hope that one day I would be able to earn a few bucks from writing on Medium. So, I started writing on Medium in January 2024 and since then till now I have made many mistakes and have learned more than I expected.

I even improved the way I write, I learned how to make good headlines, when to give space and when to put pictures, and much more very quickly, all thanks to all those writers who write on such topics.

Lately, I have not been regular with writing on Medium and I just can’t keep fooling myself with the reason I procrastinate a lot that’s not the real reason why I don't write daily, although it is also one of the reasons but it is not the main reason I don’t write daily.

The real reason has to do with the MPP i.e. Medium’s Partner Program. For those of you who don’t know, I live in India and the reason I am telling this is that Medium doesn’t pay Indian writers.

And this is not the only with the Indian writers, but also with Brazil writers and Thailand’s writers.

Yes, we don't get paid to write on Medium, while in most countries, you can get paid to write on Medium.

And this is the real why I don’t feel that motivated to write on Medium daily. Although I open Medium daily and try to write something I just couldn’t think of any topic to write on.

So, that is the real reason why I don’t write daily on Medium. Although I will still try to write on Medium not daily but at least times a week so that the audience I have built should grow and it shouldn’t go down.

This is something I wanted to work but it seems like I need to wait for few more times to get Medium to start paying Indian, Brazilian, and Thailand writers.

I guess this is what consistency is “Do it even when you most likely want to do it”.

With that said I will take a leave and please leave some thoughts or new ideas to write upon below in comments.

Good Day Ahead!




Mohit Aneja đź’¸
Word Garden

Finance Enthusiast, Loves to Write about Intellectual topics. And Food is my First Love and Money is next in that List.