The Reason Why You Can’t Sign Any Clients

It’s not because your business/agency is brand new…

Joe Testouri
Word Garden
4 min readJul 8, 2024


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Back in 2019, when I was trying to grow my agency, I had just quit my investment banking job. I thought I had made it out of the matrix and felt on top of the world 😎 But, I was wrong!

Picture this: I had all the freedom in the world, no more rigid schedules, no more uptight meetings, and no more demanding bosses.

It felt like I had broken free from the corporate chains. But in reality, I had unknowingly chained myself to a different kind of prison — laziness.

I became complacent, lounging in my newfound freedom. The basics that were crucial for scaling an agency slipped through the cracks.

And why?

Because I had no boss to take orders from, no one to hold me accountable. It’s easy to feel like you’re on top of the world when there’s no one to report to, but that’s where the trouble begins.

But what I’ve found that helped me quit being lazy was quite simple… Therefore, I wanted to share it with you.

See, as someone who manages a team within my agency, I know that they have to check-in with me every. single. day. about what they’re doing…

But as the leader of the team, I have no boss to report back to.

This is where most agency owners start to slack off.

Some time ago, I was talking to a teenager who owns an agency, and he said he was struggling to grow it.

But when I dug in and asked him some questions, it turned out he wasn’t doing the basic things that were required to grow an agency.

I’m talking about things like sending out at least 10 outreaches a day… Or creating content for your brand. And that was familiar to me because, in 2019, I was that lazy.

You see, the problem isn’t your agency being new. The problem is the lack of structure, and the absence of daily non-negotiable tasks that propel your agency forward.

It’s like trying to drive a car without fuel — you can have the best car in the world, but without fuel, you’re not going anywhere.

In 2020, I decided to change my approach. I knew I had to implement a system, a routine that mimicked having a boss…

And that was when my agency took off.

I started by doing at least 10 outreach messages a day on Instagram and other platforms. It was non-negotiable, just like a job requirement.

Think of it as having an invisible boss who’s always on your back, making sure you hit those targets. It might sound a bit absurd, but trust me, it works.

When you’re the captain of your own ship, it’s easy to drift aimlessly. Setting these non-negotiable daily tasks acts as your anchor, keeping you grounded and focused.

Therefore, I advised the teenager to start doing just that. And if you’re in the same boat, follow this simple law: Do the basics every single day as if you have a boss that you have to answer to.

Imagine you’re back in school, and you’ve got homework to do every day. If you don’t do it, you face the wrath of the teacher. It’s the same principle here.

Make those outreach messages your daily homework. Create content as if it’s a project deadline.

Send 10 cold outreach messages a day. Shoot some content for your social media page. These tasks are your bread and butter, your daily fuel that keeps the engine running.

The beauty of this approach is its simplicity. There’s no magic formula, no secret sauce. It’s about consistency and discipline.

The small, mundane tasks that seem insignificant are the ones that compound over time and lead to significant results.

Remember, it’s not the grand gestures but the daily grind that gets you to your goals. Just like how brushing your teeth daily prevents cavities, these daily tasks prevent the decay of your agency.

So, if you’re struggling to sign clients, don’t blame the market, the competition, or your newness in the industry.

Look at your daily routine.

Are you doing the basics?

Are you treating your business with the same seriousness as a demanding job?

If you’re not, start today. Implement these non-negotiable tasks into your daily routine. Send those outreach messages, create that content, and watch your agency grow.

I guarantee you’ll start to sign more clients.

Free course: discover how to scale your agency to $10–$20K/mo.



Joe Testouri
Word Garden

I share my agency knowledge to help you scale your agency business to $20K/Mo. The Founder of Bespoke Academy. Scaled my agency & coaching business to $40K/Mo.