The Rock Climbing Lawyer’s Guide to Productivity

Balance Your Work, Family, and Hobbies with Purpose

Amy Barlowe
Word Garden
3 min readJun 8, 2024


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Life as a working mom at 42 can be a juggling act! Balancing work, family, and my passions for rock climbing and productivity isn’t always easy. It’s like trying to scale a rock wall while balancing a stack of books!

To stay on top of things, I draw inspiration from my rock climbing adventures and my love of productivity. Today, let’s dive into the strategies that help me navigate this balancing act and find that elusive harmony.

Balancing Act: Mom, Lawyer, Climber

Being a mom, lawyer, and adventurer requires balance — just like balancing on a tightrope.

Time management is key, and techniques like time blocking and the Pomodoro method have saved me. I fit in time for each part of my life like pieces of a puzzle. Technology also helps with apps that keep me on track and efficient.

By using these tips, I successfully navigate the ever-changing landscape of my responsibilities, ensuring each gets the attention it needs.

Photo by Jeppe Hove Jensen on Unsplash

Balancing with Purpose

Orchestrating life’s balancing act, I find solace in clear goals and prioritized tasks.

Like a seasoned climber, I use the Eisenhower Matrix to guide my path.

Urgent and important matters, like a crucial trial or my daughter’s gymnastics competition, get top billing. Important but less urgent tasks, such as drafting legal documents or planning meals, find their appointed time slots. By separating the essential from the trivial, I focus my energy on what truly matters, maintaining balance and harmony in the symphony of my life.

Mindful Balance: Self-Care for Productivity

Self-care is my superpower in life’s delicate balancing act.

Like a rock climber tending to weary muscles, I prioritize activities that refuel my mind and body. Yoga’s gentle movements and soothing poses calm my soul, while meditation brings tranquility to my thoughts.

Immersing myself in nature’s serenity, be it hiking through vibrant trails or watching the sunset’s golden glow, replenishes my spirit. These mindful practices are the pillars of my productivity, empowering me to face each day with renewed energy and focus.

Photo by GeoNadir on Unsplash

Reaching for Support: A Lifeline for Balance

Balancing work, family, and hobbies can be tricky, but don’t forget the lifeline that keeps us afloat: support.

I’ve been there — feeling overwhelmed as a rock climbing lawyer. But in those moments, I reached out to my rock, my husband Bill. His steady hand and unwavering encouragement anchored me.

I connected with fellow lawyers, whose insights guided me through legal complexities. When motherhood and rock climbing clashed, my close-knit friends stepped up with childcare and emotional support. Embracing collaboration isn’t a weakness; it’s a testament to our human need to connect. By tapping into the support around me, I recharged, refocused, and balanced my life, giving each aspect the attention it needed.

Bringing It All Together

As we close this chapter on productivity and balance, let’s not forget

that finding harmony in our lives is an ever-evolving adventure. Let’s embrace these strategies as our trusty companions, guiding us through the labyrinth of responsibilities and dreams.

Together, let’s embark on a quest for a life filled with both meaning and productivity, where balance holds the reins. Share your productivity wisdom or ask questions. Let’s inspire each other as we navigate the path of self-discovery and growth.



Amy Barlowe
Word Garden

Joyful mom of three, loving wife, productivity guru, and mindset writer. Embracing life's adventures!