The Secret Ingredient to Employee Engagement

The cookbook for a more creative organization with grapevine communication

Malav Patel
Word Garden
5 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo from Unsplash, edited by the author.

While official emails and company announcements are crucial, sometimes the juiciest details (and let’s be honest, the most interesting ones) seem to travel through the “grapevine” — those water cooler chats, hallway whispers, and lunchtime discussions.

But here’s the thing: grapevine communication, despite its sometimes questionable accuracy, holds immense power.

This “unofficial” network thrives because it fills a gap — the gap between what’s formally communicated and what employees truly crave: connection, context, and a sense of being in the know.

So, what if I told you there’s a recipe for perfect communication of grapevine in an organization, one that blends the formality of official channels with the power of informal exchange?

I lay open before you my cookbook for the perfect grapevine recipe.

Let’s Start with Why

To hear what matters, you must cut out the noise.

A good advice, no doubt. But in its pursuit, too often, the line between noise and voice gets blurred. Voice is dismissed as noise.

Blast out emails and hold endless meetings all you want, but that might not be the magic bullet you think. Here’s the deal: relying solely on formal communication can backfire.

  • Cool ideas shared in casual chats get stuck in a silo, never reaching the people who could use them.
  • Employees bombarded with official announcements feel left out of the loop, like cogs in a machine instead of team members.
  • Decisions get bogged down in slow-motion formalities when a quick brainstorm could solve the problem.

The silence from on high can also create a rumor factory. No official info? Cue the speculation and misinformation spreading like office gossip on a slow Friday.

And let’s not forget creativity! Formal settings can feel like a creativity graveyard, while casual interactions are where those “aha!” moments often spark.

Ignoring the office buzz means missing out on a goldmine: your employees’ collective smarts, problem-solving skills, and, of course, their creative genius.

So, loosen up the communication channels and tap into the power of the grapevine — it might just be the key to a happier, more innovative workplace.

And, I’ll give you a better meta-advice.

Things that look as noise may not act like noise.

The Grapevine: Your Organization’s Secret Weapon for Strength

The stronger the root of the grapevine, the better its benefits.

Based on the feedback of people, these are the best flavors of grapevine, with no added preservatives, from my cookbook. Just don’t over-consume.

1. Building Rapport and Collaboration

Informal communication fosters a sense of camaraderie.

Take the global management consulting firm Bain & Company for example, where “coffee chats” are encouraged between senior and junior employees. These informal interactions allow knowledge transfer and build strong relationships within the organization.

2. Uncovering Hidden Gems

Valuable employee insights and feedback often travel through the grapevine. An employee might casually mention a process inefficiency or a potential customer need overheard during a sales call.

Like for example, at online retail giant Amazon, the “Frugal Innovation Award” encourages employees to submit cost-saving ideas through an internal forum. Many winning entries originated from casual conversations between colleagues.

3. Clarifying Formal Communication

Official announcements can sometimes lack context or clarity. Informal channels can help employees understand the “why” behind decisions, fostering buy-in and engagement.

At tech giant Google, internal discussion forums allow employees to ask questions and get clarifications on company-wide announcements, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

4. Boosting Employee Morale

Feeling “in the know” fosters a sense of belonging and purpose. Sharing company successes or upcoming events through informal channels keeps employees engaged and motivated.

Take for example,Southwest Airlines, which is known for its strong internal culture. Flight attendants share positive customer experiences and company wins through online forums, boosting overall employee morale.

5. Identifying Potential Issues

Early signs of discontent or concerns often surface through the grapevine. By actively listening to these informal discussions, organizations can address issues before they escalate.

Just like at progressive workplace messaging platform Slack, dedicated channels exist for employees to share concerns anonymously. This allows management to identify potential problems and address them proactively.

Leveraging the Grapevine

While the grapevine can’t be controlled, organizations can unlock its power to strengthen their workforce. This starts with fostering a culture of open communication, where employees feel safe sharing ideas and concerns both formally and informally.

Leaders play a key role by being approachable and regularly interacting with employees in casual settings.

Additionally, actively listening to the grapevine and addressing rumors promptly with clear communication through official channels can prevent misinformation from spreading.

Finally, setting up online platforms or dedicated spaces for casual discussions and knowledge sharing encourages informal exchange, further harnessing the grapevine’s potential for innovation and employee engagement.

By embracing the grapevine and creating a space for open communication, organizations can unlock a wealth of employee talent, ideas, and insights, leading to a more engaged, innovative, and successful workplace.

Suppressing grapevine can’t get you trust or even a taxi

Theranos and the Downfall of Elizabeth Holmes:

Theranos, the infamous blood testing startup, promised revolutionary technology that ultimately failed to deliver. While the focus was on CEO Elizabeth Holmes’ ambition and misleading claims, reports also suggested a culture of secrecy and stifled communication within the company. Employees who questioned the technology might have been discouraged from speaking up through informal channels, allowing problems to fester until it was too late.

Uber’s Toxic Culture

In 2017, a former employee at Uber alleged a culture of sexual harassment and discrimination. Leaked emails and reports suggested a lack of response to employee concerns shared informally, fostering an environment where such behavior felt tolerated. This ultimately led to a public relations nightmare, the CEO’s resignation, and a major overhaul of the company culture.

The above examples highlight how ignoring or suppressing informal communication can lead to issues like:

  • Unidentified problems: When employees don’t feel comfortable expressing concerns informally, potential issues may go unnoticed until they escalate.
  • Erosion of trust: If employees feel their voices aren’t heard through informal channels, trust in leadership can erode.
  • Poor decision-making: Ignoring valuable insights and perspectives shared informally can lead to flawed decisions.
  • Low morale and disengagement: Employees who feel out of the loop or unheard are less likely to be engaged and productive.

It is important to remember that fostering healthy informal communication doesn’t mean giving up on official channels. It’s about creating an environment where both formal and informal communication can work together to create a more informed, engaged, and successful organization.

Tapping into the Power of the Grapevine

Effective communication in organizations isn’t just about official pronouncements; it’s about harnessing the power of the “grapevine” alongside them. Think of a project with a tight deadline.

Formal meetings and reports keep everyone on track, but it’s the water cooler chats and coffee-fueled brainstorming sessions that spark those “aha!” moments. Informal interactions allow past experiences and creative solutions to flow freely, fostering innovation and problem-solving that might not emerge in a formal setting.

This synergy between formal channels and the informal grapevine streamlines decision-making, strengthens team spirit, and ultimately drives project success. By embracing both, organizations create a more informed, engaged, and adaptable workforce.



Malav Patel
Word Garden

From sports to CEO at 23! I share leadership, marketing & finance tips for entrepreneurs. Failed, learned, soared (5x revenue growth). Let's build dreams!