There Are Truly Amazing Beautiful Souls In This World Of Ours

Nadine van Rayner
Word Garden
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2024

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Photo by Ato Aikins on Unsplash

Where focus goes, energy flows.

What you focus on grows.

Two powerful principles of life:

— Whatever you see within someone, is what is already within you.

— Beauty is something that comes from within.

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

One powerful life lesson that I learned is that God sees the inner parts of us. In His words He stated “I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.” — Jeremiah 17:10

Beautiful souls, recognise beautiful souls.

One thing I love to do when I walk around — as an introvert — is I search for those beautiful souls who even though they don’t even know you, they look into your eyes, and by the look in their eyes and with a soulful connection you both say “Hello” to each other.

To me that is such a beautiful soulful interaction. You both walk away feeling seen, feeling like there is still hope for humanity, that beautiful souls still exist in this world.

I write a lot about how happy my Medium family makes me. Checking up on my Medium account became one of the things that I normally look forward to. Being able to see beautiful, heartwarming comments from total strangers just makes my soul jump for joy.

People who love to read each other's work, give positive feedback and just be kind and generous with their support. That to me is just so beautiful to witness.

So, open your eyes to the beautiful side of humanity and be grateful for those beautiful souls that cross your path.

For more motivation and inspiration, listen to my podcast.



Nadine van Rayner
Word Garden

Change starts within oneself. Let's learn, grow and evolve together. Find me on Ko-fi -