This Is How Clear Comms Can Boost Quality of Life
Quality is dropping off the chart. How can writers help?
“What’s he got wrong this time?”
There was no way to guess. During our four-year business relationship, Andrew made a different error each month. My coworker Rick and I had started to play a game of guessing what type of data disaster the day would bring.
The task was simple: Send our organisation a disk of mortgage data. Which we would then import into our system.
In all those years, Andrew never got it “right first time”.
And at the heart of almost every error made was a communication breakdown.
Studies in the corporate world suggest that miscommunication costs companies billions annually. Research shows that up to 70–80% of project failures result from poor communication.
With all our technology and education (yes, more on that later…), life should be easier. Better than ever.
Instead, quality is dropping in almost every aspect of life. And people feel worse off as a result. Clear communication can prevent many of the errors. The misunderstandings that give rise to this fall.