Three of The Noblest Virtues a Man Could Have

You’ll be respected everywhere

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Word Garden
2 min readJul 28, 2024


Photo by Gioia Maurizi on Unsplash

When we attain adulthood, people become not only sensitive to unacceptable behaviors but will also notice the deep traits that are imprints of our persona. Certain traits have been with us since our childhood; being self-centered and throwing tantrums at others is something we all do when we are young; things start getting worse when we fail to eliminate those from our personality and it stays with us to our adulthood.

Here we are discussing some traits and virtues that you can practice to not only eliminate mentioned tendencies but also make you become a person of ethics who is not only respected but admired.

  1. Being Undemanding: Demanding others to provide for you or to make decisions according to your wish is the worst trait you can have. People initially ignore this once in a while, but if it is engraved in your personality, they’ll soon start to hate you and avoid inviting you to their groups. On the contrary, if you don’t demand too much or are there to contribute something from your side, whether be money, knowledge, responsibility or even mere presence, the others will soon acknowledge it and appreciate it.
  2. Trustworthy: If someone shares some vulnerable experience or information about their life with you and you broadcast it to others, you will soon lose that person. We all have something in our personality that we don't want to share with others and don't want to become public, we want that to remain confined within our group. When a man can keep secrets from others and is considerate of others' vulnerability, he is appreciated wherever he goes.
  3. Transparency: We all have certain feelings for each other, some complain about their behavior and actions, and if you keep your negative feelings covert, you damage the genuine bond between them and will eventually burst out your negative emotions on them. If however, you are transparent about what you feel for others and you let them know the positive and negative feelings as well, initially you may get criticized for what you feel but later on, they’ll respect your confrontation.

These are such powerful traits that will provide you a spotlight on others' hearts and will make you feel respected in your eyes. It will make you more likable and you will eventually become more confident in facing the difficulties of life.

“It’s far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help” -Judith Martin

I hope you find this article helpful and will let me know opinions from your side on the same. Share how you felt if you got the privilege to be with such a person and if you are the one who possesses such noble qualities, you deserve the applause.

Thanks for reading!

Durgesh Chandrawanshi



Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Word Garden

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